Lift Crystals

Lift Crystals, colloquially known as loch or loch crystals, are a strange mineral that provide anti-gravitational forces when heated. This property allows for flight if their temperature is modulated correctly, though the precise nature of the forces make any vehicle smaller than a house unstable.


Material Characteristics

Lift crystals are a hard, smooth, nearly transparent mineral that naturally forms long, stable shards that emit no effective force due to their form. When heated, the mineral gains a white glow that emits from the centre and reflects off the crystal's surface.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When exposed to heat above ~12.4°C, lift crystals begin emitting an anti-gravitational force from their facets, and will reach an equilibrium where no upward or downward force is being emitted between 18-26°C, with larger single pieces of crystals being more efficient and sensitive to change. When exposed to non-ambient direct temperature changes, the crystals grow unstable as the temperature of facets change independently. Though smaller crystals are less efficient and require more extreme temperature changes, each facet is smaller, and this instability often results in the crystal tearing itself apart.   All natural lift crystals are faceted, but non-faceted lift crystals can be created artificially. When a rounded lift crystal is exposed to heat, it acts as if it was covered in infinitely small facets. Unfortunately, due to the infinitesimal changes in temperature that each "facet" experiences, these crystals tend to tear themselves apart in seconds, making them quite impractical.

Geology & Geography

Lift crystals naturally grown on the underside of floating islands, keeping the islands in the air. There are no other known natural deposits, and mining on these islands is heavily restricted due to instabilities that occur when too much crystal is removed, limiting the effective supply lest the islands plummet to the seas.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The most common use of lift crystals is for flying vessels. Sled ships use a flat lift crystal adjusted to keep the ship gravity neutral at ambient temperature, and slight temperature fluctuations to adjust height. Larger sailing ships use two lift crystals placed on either side to generate symmetrical lift, which are slowly adjusted as to not cause an imbalance. While lift crystals cannot be safely used in smaller forms, single-use equipment can be made with a proper temperature sealant. Parachutes with a small lift crystal and heating element are especially popular amongst marines for their lightness, though they require intensive training to be deployed at the right times.
Vaguely of salt and smoke.
Colourless with a white glow
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
About 3g/cm^3
Common State