
Mashia is a small nation-state on the eastern island of the Khanian Provinces, and the only unconquered land near the Khanian Provinces. Its native inhabitants are abnormally tilted towards Draken-spawn, and it is considered by most to be the homeland of the Chusaine and Meldrelco. While small skirmishes have occurred recently between the two countries, the Khanian Provinces remain honor-bound to respect Mashia's independence from a promise made centuries ago, when Mashian forces marched to the defense of Khainian land from the proto-Arbibia states. Though centuries have passed, the Mashian mainland has never suffered invasion from Khainian forces.   Internally, Mashia is a gerontocracy, with age being the primary factor of determining one's capability to command. There is no federal government, but rather a system of tribes that inhabit separate areas of the land, and a council of elders from these tribes deciding external matters. In practice, Mashia has little geopolitical significance due to its small size and position, and acts as an autonomous zone of the Khainian Provinces, nominally independent but unable to affect major change. The average citizen of Mashia will live a very different life depending on their tribe, but most citizens lead decent lives, and racial prejudice is rather lower than Khanian, leading to a larger-than-average population of Mutaphils and Ether Zel.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Kelderci Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Draken Dir, Draken Mir, Meldrelco 
Minor (<20%) Population Chusaine, Ether Zel, Ursinoids Caninoids, Felinoids
Major (<40%) Population