
Basic Information


Nugmites are stout, four-legged creatures with insectoid features such as chitinous plating, mandibles, and sensory hairs. The average specimen stands at just over two feet tall and about 150 pounds. They are omnivorous animals that are content to eat most organic matter without care for taste. Wild nugmites travel in massive herds that move through areas stripping the ground and trees of nutrients, leaving behind barren land.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nugmites reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. The female will lay a batch of eggs, typically five, which if fertilized, will hatch within two weeks into a nugling. These nuglings require constant care for an additional two weeks, hanging onto their mother and eating nutrients trapped in her hairs.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The primary livestock property of nugmites is their delicious meat, which is sweet, nutritious, and easy to cook with. Their chitin is often used to fashion trinkets and as a lighter substitute for wood, though it requires significant processing to nullify the smell of nugmite. Their stupid yet affectionate nature make them desirable to some as pets, though a disturbing tendency to spontaneously begin eating their owners make them unpopular.
15 years
Average Height
0.75 meters
Average Weight