
Oase is the God of Buildings, Cooking, and Infrastructure, concerned both with those who build up societies, and the fruits of their labours. Unlike other Gods, she insists on being referred to as a "servant" of these matters rather than as a diety. Worship of Oase is some of the most widespread, as her name has become a common saying to bless one's efforts or swear off calamity. While grand churches of Oase exist, they are often not used as actual places of worship, and commonly contain kitchens, planning offices, and occasionally houses for the poor. For smaller settlements, it is not uncommon for the main seat of power to be in a church of Oase.   Most races give Oase at least passing recognition, though she is not particularly popular amongst the more rural races, such as the Chusaine and Draken Mir. She has had no known Divinomancers, and rarely speaks to her followers, preferring instead to give her blessing in minor boons to fortunate individuals. She is one of the few Gods known to have taken a mortal form and walk the land of Drisenheim in the past, and it is a common saying towards hospitality lest one offends Oase.

Holy Books & Codes

Oase has two main holy texts, both of which are claimed to be written directly by Oase in her human incarnations. The first is "Fauna, Flora, and Other Ingredients", a combination biology textbook and cookbook, as fascinated with the unique features of animals and plant as with the various ways to cook and eat them. The full book is notably massive, coming in at 2,500 pages for a full copy, but a large majority of the text follows creatures so rare, endangered, or specific that a much smaller version is used by most academics, with the full version primarily restricted to historical usage. The second, lesser-known book, is "A Guide On Building a Prosperous and Effective City: Centuries Through Good Planning", a ten book volume on various sorts of engineering, infrastructure, and architecture. Due to its prodigious size, it is typically only found in the libraries of major cities and the houses of nobles.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oase's symbol is a large shield, square at the top and rounded towards the bottom, typically with a sword emblazed upon the front. The less fortunate carry a smooth rock formed into shape and held in a necklace, while those more fortunate may use a more ornate and shield-shaped pendant, and warriors will often emblazon a sword upon their shield to respect Oase. It is theologically notable that Oase has otherwise no relation to combat or weaponry, and most consider the sword and shield to be symbolic weapons, protecting against the evils of disease and famine.
Divine Classification