
The Shu is a diarchy, with two kings who hold joint power over the federation; one king rules the north, and the other rules the south, with both holding veto power over federal decisions. This power split was due to a four-way civil war that erupted shortly after the fall of Meridia, leading to the original Shu empire splitting into four smaller states. The Shukin and Balatia states still remain, but the northern and southern Shu states, both of whom claim to hold the capital and central power of the empire, came to form a federal government after a prolonged cold war.   The day-to-day operations of the Shu are performed by the governors of each province, being advised by a parliament of educated, land-owning nobles, though the kings hold supreme executive power. In practice, Shu acts as two separate nations held together with a weak federal government in times of peace, and as a single, rather disorganized nation in times of war, though the federalization has allowed a more complete monopoly of power to be held.   There are three main classes of peoples in Shu. Nobles are distinguished by being granted land from the king, and are directly beholden to the royal courts and the decrees of kings, but can otherwise act with relative impunity. Below, free citizens comprise the bulk of the middle class, being wealthy enough to protect their own interests, but holding little formal political power. Free citizens can only serve at the leisure of a king, though it is rare, and have no federal legal protection, being bound by provincial laws and courts.   Those who do not possess enough wealth or power to buy citizenship are the Dermeni, and have little to no legal protection against non-criminal acts, even within provincial law. Most Dermeni are free laborers who cannot afford to pay the citizenship tax to become a free citizen, but make enough to live an otherwise comfortable life. Slavery of any sort of outlawed in Shu on a federal level, but indentured servitude is common.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco Kelderci Mutaphil
Slight (<5%) Population Draken Dir,  Ether Zel Draken Mir, Ether Vin
Minor (<20%) Population Felinoid, Ursinoid Caninoid
Major (<40%) Population

  • 2602 PM

    3 Month of Remembrance
    2602 PM

    5 Month of Remembrance

    Union Council Convenes
    Diplomatic action

    An emergency session of the State Council is called. Meridia reveals shocking projections of civilian and military casualties, and warn that Meridia could be overrun within the year. Over the following two days, Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia pledge peace until the undead threat can be dealt with.

  • 2602 PM

    25 Month of Remembrance

    Union Forces Arrive in Meridia
    Military action

    Initial from Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia arrive in Meridia, totaling fifty divisions. Over the next fourteen years of savage total war, nearly three hundred division from the Union will see combat in Meridia. Casualties are high, with retreat difficult and logistics stretched thin, but Union forces make the undead bleed for every inch of ground.

  • 2604 PM

    7 Month of the Smith 13:00

    Emperor Carl II of Shu Assassinated
    Life, Death

    During a visit to the Meridian border, Balatian separatists assassinate Emperor Carl II, throwing Shu into disarray and demarking a civil war as inevitable.

    Additional timelines
  • 2604 PM

    14 Month of the Smith

    Shu Forces enter Balatia
    Military action

    Diplomatic talks between Shu and Balatia break down. In the early morning hours, twelve divisions of Shu regulars enter Balatia, to be opposed by merely three divisions of loyalist Balatian troops.

    Additional timelines
  • 2604 PM

    5 Month of Exploration

    Tatsushi Forces Arrive in Balatia
    Military action

    Despite public calls for peace and neutrality, eight divisions of Tatsushi shock troops enter Balatia, while Tatsushian ships enforce a neutral zone in Balatian waters.

  • 2604 PM

    11 Intercalary Month

    Formation of Shukin

    Taking advantage of the disarray of the Balatian Civil War, Shukin forms a brutal provisional government that enforces a near-total dictatorship, claiming to represent "free and independent" people.

    Additional timelines
  • 2604 PM

    15 Intercalary Month

    Balatian Independence

    With Tatsushian support proving pivotal and Shu forces stretched thinly, Shu and Balatia come to an agreement of Balatian independence. External observers condemn the usage of Meridian refugees as a bargaining chip in peace talks.

    Additional timelines
  • 2604 PM

    25 Intercalary Month

    Shu Crackdown in Shukin
    Military action

    Four Shu divisions enter Free Shukin and enforce a bloody crackdown under order to pacify Shukin by any means. Nearly a hundred thousand civilians, rebels, and refugees are killed in just over a month of indiscriminate warfare. The campaign ends in a strategic victory for Shukin, as the provisional government remains in power.

    Additional timelines
  • 2616 PM

    7 Month of Exploration

    Dispersal of the Undead
    Disaster / Destruction

    For reasons yet unknown, every known intelligent undead instantaneously reverts to a primal state similar to that of most undead, effectively ending the war. Land that was lost to the Undying Lands is unreclaimable, and the Four Empires lick their wounds.   In a mere fourteen years, Meridia is decimated to it's core, with 80% of it's population dead or maimed, while Shu is irrevocably splintered, drastically shifting the balance of power in central Drisenheim. The Telzian Empire appears as the clear victor, if any should be called such, suffering the least damage and gaining significant territory.

  • 2672 PM

    2685 PM

    Construction of the Meridian Bypass
    Construction beginning/end

    The Telzian Empire begins construction of the Meridian Bypass, a modern wonder of road stretching from central Telzia to Balatia. Widely seen as a negotiation tactic with the Kingdom of Sipur and Shu in an ongoing trade war, the Meridian Bypass' stated goal is to lower the attrition of trade ships by undead sea monsters, and takes fifteen years to complete. To this day, Telzia subsidises caravans that use the Meridian Bypass to retain significant economic control over Meridia, Shu, and Sipur.