
Basic Information


Silm are long, slim, four-legged animals that resemble snakes with legs. They are typically no more than three feet long and weight under 50 pounds. Their upper body is covered in thick, protective scales, while their underbelly is soft-furred and plush. Their facial features are reminiscent of felinoids, with whiskers and an elongated snout.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Silms are used for two primary purposes; as pets and for their soft fur. As pets, they are especially popular amongst the Draken, who enjoy their practical nature, independence, and scales. However, their soft underbelly makes them prime targets to hunters, as silm skin is used to make noble garments and winter clothing.

Average Intelligence

Silm are renowned for their intelligence and clever nature, being able to solve puzzles and easily trained to perform complex maneuvers. They are highly affectionate creatures who will fight tooth and nail to protect those they are friends, and retain complex social structures with silm packs in the wild.
20 years
Average Height
Average Weight