Second Portland Conference


A cadre of skeptical scientists invites a 'debate' on the phenomenon in the same Portland conference center as the first meeting. Though it probably made sense at the time, history will remember the event as a farce.

"The simple fact of the matter is that it's bullshit. We know it's bullshit."   "So, there's no -"   "Every evidence - listen to me - every single piece of evidence over the past ten thousand years says this is impossible. We don't need to debate what could 'really' be happening, it just doesn't matter."   "If I were to, right now, me and Melanie, to transform, you'd say... what, it's a hallucination?"   "Absolutely. What people don't understand is... our brains can be manipulated. I trust our scientific experience more than I trust one event I see. It's easy to trick the senses, you can't trick the laws of physics. It's that simple."   "So what killed those people in Zhaolong?"   "Look, I don't know. I don't need to. Listen - listen to me. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. It's that simple. It's that simple."

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