International Street Massacre


Members of the Blood Brides attack a United Nations meeting, killing several prominent members of the Assembly, as well as several hundred civilians, and destroying large portions of the UN Building. International animosity reaches a fever pitch.

In his first public appearance since the announcement of the Drive Control Programme, Councillor Edgar Jacques speaks delivers a uncharacteristically vitriolic speech to the General Assembly on the DRIVEr threat. Not long after the speech begins, fighting erupts outside, followed by a series of explosions. At least three (or six, depending on how you count) Blood Brides enter the building - security makes a desperate attempt to delay as the members of the Assembly are evacuated. Defiant, Jacques stays behind - as explosions wrack the building, Leslie Sanders, 'leader' of the Brides, confronts him, and, after a brief arguement, kills him. This is recorded by the automated cameras of the assembly, and though no longer being broadcast, inevitably video finds its way onto the internet.   All told, around five hundred people are killed. Anti-DRIVEr sentiment reaches a fever pitch, with some calling for extermination, but most demanding an extension of the Driver Control Program. The Brides claim that they were attacked first by UN security, but no one believes them, though the conspiracy theory that Jacques orchestrated his own assassination would later spread (especially among DRIVEr)

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