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Mini Backstory

  • 1-4 Years Old: He is brought into the world by his aunt and uncle, he does the know it yet but his parents both had no desire to take care of him. So they simply dumped him on their doorstep and left.
  • 8 Years Old: While in school he ends up meeting Jupiter and from that day forward, they were the best of friends.
  • 12 Years Old: During this time in his life Ace starts to have a crush on an elven girl named Alicyte Nulva, he would end up sitting on these feelings for quite a long time.
  • 15 Years Old: Ace finds out that for a long time his uncle has been beating his aunt. He knows that deep down his uncle needs help but doesn’t want his aunt to have to deal with a man who takes his anger out on his wife. So in response he goes to the town guard and reports the abuse in the hope that they will just take him in. Instead when his uncle began to resist arrest they began to cut him down. In the scuffle Ace and his aunt rushed in to stop what was happening and Ace ended up with a pretty gnarly scar. His aunt however ended up loosening an arm. When all was said and done his aunt blamed Ace for the death of her husband and told him that his parents were right to dump him out when they had the chance. It’s around this time that Ace starts to frequent the Orinson household more often.
  • 18 Years Old: Ace finally works up the courage to ask out Alicyte and at first she refuses but after about a week she accepts and they end up together for a time though they also keep it secret until they're ready to tell people. However their relationship only lasted about two months. At that point he discovers that Alicyte killed Mars, Jupiter's Brother. She ends up arrested and Ace finds out that Jupiter is Calypso.
  • 19-20 Years Old: Ace ends up becoming friends with a young man named Dario and for a time they end up causing a little bit of chaos around town. Just some general revelry and mischief. However he later finds out that Dario is a spy for the Eyeless and manages to escape but just as he reaches the Orinson household he finds that there are about a dozen cloaked assassins perched outside the doors and windows. They tell him that if he wants his friend and his precious little family to live then he is going to do as they say. It is at this point in his life that he becomes an operative for the Eyeless.
  • 21-23 Years Old: During Ace's first few years with the Eyeless he learns that they intend on controlling Calypso and using them to pull the guards eyes off of them. So Ace’s job is to keep Jupiter attacking these fabricated villains and to keep throwing them in jail. He also is instructed to help bring down rogue vigilantes as their unpredictably makes them dangerous. For a long time he tries to find a way out of working for the Eyeless but after a few years he starts to agree with their mission of controlling the government to keep them from making foolish decisions.
  • 24 Years Old: Jupiter ends up married to Cassandra and now Ace is promoted to the head operative on everything to do with Calypso and Dione.
  • 28 Years Old: One day out of the blue Alicyte contacted Ace and begged to speak with but he ended up refusing. However things took a turn when Jupiters mother suddenly grew Ill and died. What stood out to Ace however was how he was suddenly ordered to frame Alicyte. This shook his faith in the cause of the Eyeless but did not break it. After much arguing he did as he was told. Once he did so the Eyeless decided that they could trust Ace and told him of their plan to expand their underground network to cover the entire Battered Hook and take control of it.

Physical Description

A five foot eleven human man with a short scruffy black beard and a long scruffy patch of hair on his head, he also has a small scar right above his left eye. He wears a brown and tan colored bomber jacket with a white fur trim. Other than that he wears a simple white shirt, black pants, and brown leather work books.


He is a smart and caring person with an unfortunate knack for lying to people. He truly cares for the Orinson and sees them as family, even if he thinks that Jupiter is a little self centered and cocky, however he is too invested in the Eyelesses cause to give everyone the reality of their dreams.

Plot Hooks

  • He is working undercover as an agent of the Eyeless and if he is discovered at any point, he will have operatives try to kidnap Jupiter and Cassandra and have their memories altered.
  • When the party kills Aldron Briggs, Ace will be part of the group that threatens them into doing what the Eyeless want.


He poses as a shop keeper but is actually a head operative of the Eyeless.


Character Sheet

Battle Music


  • Age: 28
  • Race: Human
  • Class: Rouge, Bard
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Hair: Black shoulder length
  • Skin: Caucasian
  • Height: 5’11”
  • Weight: 205 lbs.



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