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Avasi (A-va-see)

The Empress of Evil Avasi

Divine Domains

Demons, Devils, Fire, Lust, Tyranny


  • The Fiends Vigil

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A symbol of a flaming eye crowned with three horns.

Tenets of Faith

Ones truth may only be revealed when one holds power.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Punish the cruel and wicked.
  • Tear down the gods as she believes that they have shown there true nature.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A ruby skinned woman with long white hair, a third eye which never closes, and set of fiery demonic wings which she can retract when ever she wants. She also has a set of three massive black horns and a long sweeping tail. Her legs are also black fiery goat legs.

Special abilities

  • The Fiends Vigil (Her third eye has a constant detect magic up and she also has 120ft of true sight.)

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a beautiful dress made of golden flame and many jewels like ruby's, fire opals, and blood stones.

Specialized Equipment

  • The Fiends Vigil

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born amidst fire and smoke, Avasi the lady of flame first came forth into creation through an erupting volcano. Upon her emergence a massive explosion was let loose from her point of origin and the mountain blew apart, leaving a large swath of land covered in flame and ash. She found herself in a fiery swath of destruction and was horrified at what she saw, her first sensation was the smell of smoke and burning flesh, screams cut short but the unrelenting tide of fire. She had no idea what she had done and sat on the ground to weep. This explosion was quickly noticed by the gods and they arrived expecting to find some great monster, instead they found a little girl wreathed in fire, curled up in a ball, and sobbing. The three dragons took her in and raised her as best they could. She took some time to lighten up but once she did she was a feisty little troublemaker which the gods found endearing, however what they saw as concerning was her passive ability to control and spread fire. Wherever she went things would catch on fire and she couldn’t stop it, so the great dragons decided to hold her in their palace until she could control her powers and for a while this worked out well, given teachings by all three of the dragon lords and parenting from each, but this was not to last as the desire to leave the palace nagged at her constantly and the feeling only increased when the gods finally began to bring back more of their kind to begin the council of the gods.

Morality & Philosophy

Avasi has a deep distrust for the gods due to there history together with only a handful of exceptions. She always keeps her word which is what led to devil contracts in the first place and she does this as a way to spite the gods who used lies as a way to get what they wanted long ago.


Breaking contracts will result in extreme punishments from the sea of chaos.
Divine Classification
Lawful, Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Empress of Evil, Lady of Flame
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1 PE 2931 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Flattened a volcano when she was born.
Red, flaming, black rimmed
Long, straight, cut bangs, ivory white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruby red, feverishly hot
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Undercommon, Primordial, Elvish, and Telepathy.

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