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Broaduk O'hara

Mini Backstory

  • 25-27 Years Old: Broaduk and his dwarves got into some serious trouble with a vampire lord named Ilmalay. They were able to shape darkness itself which made them a difficult foe. They fought this entity for nearly two years before Broaduk and Elias cornered Ilmalay and finally slew him in his resting chambers. However they didn’t come out unscathed as Broaduk ended up getting bit and infected by the vampire. They weren’t able to cure him in time and so until the crew can find a cure, Broaduk has become a vampire dwarf.
  • 28 Years Old: Broaduk and his gang of dwarves decided to say fuck it, and sailed from Rivenesk to The Trident. When they started causing more chaos on the open sea people began to call them pirates, so that’s what they became.
  • 30 Years Old: Broaduk became a pirate lord of the Plunder after kicking one the previous ones in the balls and humiliating him in front of the entire Plunder and his crew.

Physical Description

A four foot two dwarf with a large beer belly, a long red beard and wildly disheveled hair that’s tucked away under a dark green bandanna. He has a few piercings in his right eye brow while the left is covered up by a massive black eye patch. He wears no shirt but instead simply wears an ostentatious blue and red coat, and around his wrists are two large bracers made of driftwood. In his hand is a large flamberge greatsword made of a black shadowy metal, it almost appears to bleed shadow from its blade as it shifts and moves. Broaduk is always giving off an air of rockous joy and enthusiasm. He seems to always be drunk, or laughing, or both.

Plot Hooks

  • Broaduk may challenge the party to travel to a remote island and dig up the lost treasure of Durin the Daft. He will say that if the party can recover the treasure then Broaduk will split the goods with the party 50/50. He can be reasoned with though to change the percentages.
  • At some point, Broaduk will challenge Siv and her crew to a friendly challenge by combat, either when Siv tries to abandon her duties as a pirate lord, or when she tries to take the party to retrieve her Bottled Horizon. Siv will ruefully accept to maintain her reputation and will fight for a short time against Broaduk. However out of nowhere a legion of automatons sweep in from every side and begin to pick off both Siv and Broaduk’ s crew. Broaduk will immediately command his troops to turn on the automatons and cover Sivs escape. If things start to look good for the party, The Banker and some of his most badass enforcers will walk in and push back the party. This fight is not meant to be won and The Banker will try to kill Siv and Broaduk. If the party escapes then The Banker will swoop in and become almost twice as feared in The Plunder and have Siv and Broaduk banished for cowardice.

Character Sheet


  • Age: 36
  • Race: Dwarf/Vampire
  • Class: Barbarian
  • Pronouns: He Him
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Red
  • Skin: Pale
  • Height: 4’2”
  • Weight: 234 lbs



An extremely jovial man who has a tendency to get extremely drunk alongside his crew of drunken dwarves. He also hides the fact that he is a vampire from most people because to him it is a point of embarrassment and annoyance.


Pirate lord of The Plunder



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