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Drift Light

Drift Light
Important Locations Building Name Owners
Tavern The Flying Fish Janice Aldright
General Store Paradeez has all you need! Delilah Paradeez
Blacksmith Stilted Irons Remah Dahlia
  • Temple of Kerōkto
  • Church of the Goddess
Father Tarik (Leader of the Church of the Goddess.)


  • Farrymen to anywhere in town. (3 Silver per person and trip.)
  • Ship Passage to most port cities and towns. (3 Gold per person and mile.)


This town was originally built on the shore as a fishing village, however the town was forced to adapt as the sea level continued to rise. They were forced to keep moving further and further to shore. But during one such period they instead decided to raise up their village on stilts. Ever since the village has grown more and more in danger of becoming a completely elevated town.


  • 984 PE: The village was first founded and built as a Plunder supported fishing town.
  • 1028 PE: The village decided to build their town on stilts as the water level continued to rise exponentially over the years.
  • Current Year is 3981 or 1049 PE and time began in 2932 BE


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