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Elias Gottrison

Mini Backstory

  • 1-15 Years Old: Elias grew up in a family of some pretty upstanding nobles but chose to eventually leave them due to their constant need for Elias to uphold the family name.
  • 20-22 Years Old: Broaduk and his dwarves got into some serious trouble with a vampire lord named Ilmalay. They were able to shape darkness itself which made them a difficult foe. They fought this entity for nearly two years before Broaduk and Elias cornered Ilmalay and finally slew him in his resting chambers. However they didn’t come out unscathed as Broaduk ended up getting bit and infected by the vampire. They weren’t able to cure him in time and so until the crew can find a cure, Broaduk has become a vampire dwarf.
  • 23 Years Old: Broaduk and his gang of dwarves decided to say fuck it, and sailed from Rivenesk to The Trident. When they started causing more chaos on the open sea people began to call them pirates, so that’s what they became.

Physical Description

  • A muscular dwarven man with a bushy brown beard, prominent eyebrows, a smooth bald head, and his eyes show gray and cold from his head. His finely made clothes give off an air of wealth and prosperity. He wears a white silk buttoned shirt underneath a yellow leather vest, and over all that is a leather strap around his chest that secures a large wooden keg on his back full of ale. His gun belt holds two pistols shaped like two tiny kegs around where the barrels should be, and in his hands he holds a large lever action rifle made with a fine red wood.

Plot Hooks

  • At some point, Broaduk will challenge Siv and her crew to a friendly challenge by combat, either when Siv tries to abandon her duties as a pirate lord, or when she tries to take the party to retrieve her Bottled Horizon. Siv will ruefully accept to maintain her reputation and will fight for a short time against Broaduk. However out of nowhere a legion of automatons sweep in from every side and begin to pick off both Siv and Broaduk’s crew. Broaduk will immediately command his troops to turn on the automatons and cover Siv's escape. If things start to look good for the party, The Banker and some of his most badass enforcers will walk in and push back the party. This fight is not meant to be won and the Banker will try to kill Siv and Broaduk. If the party escapes then The Banker will swoop in and become almost twice as feared in The Plunder and have Siv and Broaduk banished for cowardice.


  • Age: 31
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Class: Fighter Gunslinger
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Brown
  • Skin: Tan
  • Height: 4’1”
  • Weight: 162 lbs



A bit of a stuck up and broody man with no desire to be a leader of anything. He just wants to invent and create.


Member of Broaduk's crew



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