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Felix Markov


Felix was the fourth youngest child of five, born to cult leaders (worships Karasu the Maelstrom Mistress). They were nomadic because they had to relocate often at risk of being found out as a cult, so Felix never had a solid place to live growing up. He had only one sister, the youngest child, which was seen as a bad omen. The two of them grew up close, until one day, when Felix was around 20 years old, she disappeared. Felix suspected that they may have done something horrible to her, but it was never confirmed, and his questioning led to his exile from the cult, thus breaking his oath. After this, he kept waiting to fall, but never did, which led to a crisis and some exploration to find a place where he fit in, despite having little to no knowledge of the outside world. Looking for a place to stay, Felix stumbled into a bar during a storm one night, filled with women who decided he needed to be taken care of. Unknowingly, Felix was taken in by brothel workers, who taught him most of what he knows about hustling and making deals. It was at that bar that Felix met a member of the police force, a tiefling who offered Felix a job, and Felix accepted. After a while, however, he realized that the cops weren’t great people either, and further realized that the only ones actually trying to do the right thing in most cases were the criminals he was supposed to be apprehending. It was in this way that Felix began helping other criminals evade the police, all the while taking jobs for himself while searching for his own sister to get closure on what happened to her.


  • Silas and Esme Markov: Felix’s parents. Where Silas is strong and bold, Esme is gentle and enigmatic. A perfectly contrasting pair.
  • Remus, Atlas, Bodhi: Felix’s brothers, in order from eldest to youngest. Remus is the future leader of the cult— charismatic, cool, and observant. Atlas is the most free-spirited brother, easy-going and funny, but way more observant than he lets on. Bodhi is the quietest of the group, but smart, sly and quick with a joke.
  • Iris: Felix’s younger sister. Gentle and very quiet, very very close with Felix. Her whereabouts are unknown, but Felix knows it’s probably nothing good.
  • Magnus: Felix’s tiefling friend from the police force. Friendly and charming, he helped bring Felix out of his shell, and now turns a blind eye to Felix’s shenanigans to be his alibi, if needed.
  • Social
  • Gentle (usually)
  • Inquisitive
  • Just a little stupid
  • Unintentionally scary-looking
  • The “brawn”- not very strong, but good with weapons
  • Just wants to help; Very good at taking directions

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