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I need a hero!

Personal Session 0


  • We will begin with Callahan walking through the halls of Ruby Hearth Nursing Home with marigolds in his hands. He will be admitted to see Mari and they will have a normal and nice conversation about the old times. She will start by saying “Why hello little Cally Flower” and at some point she will repeat that statement as if she has fully reset.
  • Once he leaves Ruby Hearth Nursing Home he will head to Madam Belle's Cafe in order to keep up with an appointment that he has with Isaac, an operative in the Eyeless. He will then be given his next job, which will be to earn the trust of Jupiter through telling him where the Rat King is and to then keep him out of town for the next three months when the opportunity arises.
  • He will end the game by posing as an abducted civilian at the Rhinestep Harbor and hearing the commotion of Jupiter beating up the hired thugs.


  • He will wake up next to his wife Cassandra and will have a nice and peaceful beginning. Possibly just making breakfast and talking about work perhaps. Eventually she will scroll through their jobs for the day and will give him his job for the day. The job will be to uncover a kidnapping, near the Rhinestep Harbor.
  • To find the boat house where the victim has been taken he will need to roll a dc 14 investigation or perception check. He will eventually find it but the amount of fails will translate to the time that taken.
  • When he finds it there will be four thugs dressed in black and brown ragged clothes and masks shaped like rat faces. The thugs were instructed to put on a good show but flee when they get a chance. The session will end with Callahan being rescued by Jupiter.


  1. Savior: When Jupiter frees Callahan, Callahan has been instructed to give the location of the Rat King to Jupiter and frame him for kidnapping Callahan.
  2. The Rat King!: When Jupiter and Callahan go searching for the new bad guy in the sewers, he will eventually find a torrent of rats funneling him into a large room in the sewers that is used as the Rat Kings layer. The Rat King will monologue for a bit but a DC 14 insight check will show that The Rat King is really excited to finally meet Jupiter. (His hero!) He will then try to knock out Jupiter and Callahan, if he succeeds he will deposit them safely in the town square, If he is about to lose he will try and flee into the sewers.
  3. Letters and Meetings: At the end of the session Jupiter will receive a letter from Mr. Paradeez, asking him to join him at the Moonglade Theater during the festival of renewal for a lucrative business opportunity. Meanwhile Callahan will be pulled aside by Eloise and will receive word that he is to meet Monty at the Reclaimed Slurry tomorrow.

Letter to Jupiter

Dear Mr. Orinson   It is truly a pleasure to finally be writing to you Mr Orinson, your exploits and capabilities are told far and wide, even beyond the great beating heart of The Trident. I do believe that I heard of your skills from a friend of mine, you may be familiar with the name of Tuck, if not that’s completely understandable, I know that you receive a countless amount of clients every other day. You assisted them in finding a stolen bit of jewelry, a family air loom I do believe. But I digress, I am sure that you are wondering why someone like myself would be contacting you. Well Mr Orinson I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join me and a handful of other talented individuals in undertaking a very lucrative and possibly even life altering opportunity. I seek to employ you and these other associates to help me with a few jobs. I will say no more here, if you are interested then please meet me in the Moonglade Theater on the day of renewal. Simply tell the clerk at the front desk your name or my name and they should take you up to my box. I must also mention that this work may take you far from Ruby Shire for a time so please make the decision that most suits you. At the very least I hope to see you during the festival.  
Sincerely Mr. Maxwell Vincent Paradeez the Fourth

Player Characters

Important NPC’s

Minor NPC’s

Important Locations

Important Factions



Behind the Scenes

  • The thugs that get beaten up by Jupiter and arrested by the town guards will be released, by the order of the Eyeless.
  • Cassandra will become pregnant either during Brendan’s private session, or the night before. She wont find out until about 2 weeks after Jupiter has left for the campaign.
  • The Eyeless will hire Monty to get Callahan to go with Armistice and Roxane when Mr. Paradeez requests mercenaries from Monty. They're doing this to have Callahan be their eyes and ears.

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