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Important Locations Building Name Owners
Tavern Beach Bums Bar & Lounge Morgan Nadalisk
General Store Washed up Goods EV-VII
Blacksmith Ironclad Damian Dawnbelt
Church/Temple Church of the Goddess
Apothecary Salted Concoction Sarit Vorgal
Barber Shop Rough Cut Adsrata Vol


About 100 years ago a tribe of Firbolgs and Orcs made landfall on the seemingly abandoned island of Xaokai; they remained here, living off the land and making the island their home until tragedy struck. Two massive monsters that they called Arkog and Sordon began to hunt their tribe down one by one until they were hiding from the very mention of the creatures. Things began to turn around however when small groups of people began to wash up on their shores. They begged the strangers for help and one by one they managed to push back the creatures and even managed to kill Sordon. Over time the tribe began to dissolve into this new community of people on the island, they rebuilt and created the village of Indasahwa. Many would leave the island to go back to their old lives but some stayed and those would become the Indasahwa Community.
  • 946 PE: A tribe of firbolg’s and orcs founded their home on Xaokai.
  • 994 PE: Arkog and Sordon cause trouble in the community and for a long time that is how things were.
  • 998 PE: Herro Starmane helps the town kill Sordon and drive Arkog back into lurking about their section of the island. This is what made him the new chief of their people.




  • They always help people return to the mainland when they wash ashore though they do take a while to trust others as many people who wash up on their shores are pirates. They generally are given access to a small campsite while they are on the island.
  • They will allow anyone who proves themselves trustworthy and helpful to enter and live in their village without any questions.
  • Many of the people worship Viya as their patron and overseer.
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