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Oliver Hornswaggler


Oliver Hornswaggler was an ordinary man, an honestly uninteresting ordinary man. Born into an ordinary home, with ordinary parents. He went to ordinary schools, and did an ordinary job at them. He grew up, got an ordinary job, and began working as an illusionary architect. He helped create the designs of buildings, many of which being banks and other businesses. For most of his life, he was successful, and boring. Very boring. So boring it is not worth putting to words, for there was not a modicum of interest in his life. For he had no spouse, no girlfriend or boyfriend, and no friends. His closest relationship was with his parents, but most of their conversations can be summed up with simply, "So... how was work?" For they were now retired, and spent most of their days in leisure, often times in vacation homes far away. Oliver spent most of his days at work, consulting for various companies. In fact, if there was anything unordinary about Oliver, it was how punctual he was. He got to work early everyday, dressed in his dress shirt and tie, or bowtie. He always wore brown dockers, with brown pants, and only ever removed his thin rectangular glasses to clean them. Sometimes, when he was feeling adventurous, his tie had cats on it.   He only ever spoke to his co-workers when he had to, and most of his interactions started with him saying, "Uhmm actually...". He honestly drove most people nuts, but he was respected by his peers.   However, this all changed when a large tech company designed the worst machine known to man, the phantasmal hallucinatory architectural replica tool synthesizer, P.H.A.R.T.S. for short or P.H.A.R.T Synthesizer.   For this synthesizer replaced Oliver's job, and in one fell swoop, Oliver lost his livelihood and his purpose. You see, Oliver had nothing else in his life. He was a 39 year old man, and his job was his passion, his love, the reason to wake up in the morning. Oliver would read site surveys and project projections before going to sleep. He would wake up, and whilst eating breakfast, apply for the appropriate permits required for his projects. He would read building codes and regulations on his break, and he adored his daily responsibility of quality inspection. This job was everything to Oliver, and now, he was replaced by a machine.   Oliver, to put it simply, was lost. He had nothing meaningful in his life, but he had budgeted his money wisely, like most boring men. During one of his drab nights however, something interesting happened. Oliver, was walking home from his 12pm lunch break building codes reading, for even though Oliver didn't have a job, he did have his boring routine still. And whilst walking home, down these familiar streets, he walked past something unfamiliar. An unfamiliar painting splattered on the wall of a building he designed, the building now a tech company. An advertisement for the P.H.A.R.T.S, the very P.H.A.R.T.S. that took everything he held dear in this world. Oliver locked eyes on the paint can left besides the advertisement, and an urge came over him. An uncontrollable urge of anger and spite, and before he knew it, the wall had a new paint plastered over it. In vibrant red and angry rips of paint, the words "Hollow Synth!!"   Oliver felt something he has never felt before, a thrill, and he liked it. And so it began... Oliver wasted no time. He immediately spent an absurd amount of money to get a "suit" tailored. He grabbed all of his former blueprints and tools, and began building his own "business". His new, . However, he had no idea how to get started, which is when he met Ted Bell. Ted Bell is a human boy no older than the age of 14, and is his neighbor's son. His neighbor is a single Half Elf mother by the name of Conie. Conie is a painter, and spends a lot of her time painting and going to galleries trying to sell her art, she is fairly successful. For some reason, her son Ted has somehow amassed a collection of customers looking for expert robbers. Ted, or as his mom calls him, Teddy Bear, can be found outside his Mom's house playing with his friends, or trying to score alcohol outside taverns. Oliver ran into him outside a shady tavern one night, and when Ted asked if Oliver could steal alcohol for him, Oliver asked if he had any more jobs, and for some odd reason, Ted had many. However, don't get mistaken, Ted is the crime boss in this situation. He threatens Oliver with not just physical injury, but tattling to his mother, who in turn will tattle to the authorities. For this is Oliver's new life, the life of the "Holosynth". Many years later, and now Oliver has gotten quite good at his new job. He has been on many jobs, and has even made a rival. Oliver is back in business.   The holosynth's calling card is a graffiti of his name, oftentimes with a pun relating to what he stole or did.

Plot Hooks

  • All around town are calling cards and graphite of the Hollowsynth.

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