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(North victorian like continents with frozen tundras, vampire strongholds, classic fantasy. Vikings, fallen arcane civilization, contains the lost library. Ruined cities.) 
  • Necromancy is outlawed in these parts due to the mass amount of undead in the continent.


This dark and cold continent portrays the image of a land both beautiful and dangerous. The Victorian-like cities which span its southern regions dominate much of the open lands and border those darker and drearier places. Some of the famous areas in this dark place are the Clincroft Tundra to the north, a snowy wasteland and the home of many twisted undead. A little farther north you would find the Altas Peaks, claiming to hold the coldest and highest point in all of Drokine, right at the top of the tallest peak. And at the top of Rivenesk and the known world of Drokine lays the Brookhurst Fields, a cold expanse of glaciers and icy water. Bordering the Hethron Plains, the last bastion of warmth and life is the Ecliptis Wood, the first point of major cold in Rivenesk. Many wood lands span the large continent and many of the are famous for there unique natures, there is the shadowy and dark forest of the Grave Wood to the west, the towering trees nearly scraping the sky laying in the Titanwood Forest, and the legendary Wavern wood to the east, holding far more mystery’s to it than any other known location in Drokine. And finally the mountains which carve into the sky in the south are the Soulset Slopes, a place which is rumored to hold hordes of undead and unseen creatures beneath its rocky tops, and the dark multicolored mountains of the Aurora Peaks.


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Ecosystem Cycles

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Localized Phenomena

During the winter, unnatural snow storms will blow through the Rivenesk and cover the land in snow and ice. In the far north it grows nearly unbearable for those not adept to the weather. And even then the tribes which live in the north will mostly hide in their homes or in caves to wait out the monstrous cold. It is truly a time of fear for the people of Rivenesk.

Fauna & Flora

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Natural Resources

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Rule, order, and conflict are the three things that Rivenesk has always known intimately. Before empires were formed and wars were fought over territory, the far northern regions of Rivenesk was populated by tribes of hunters and survivors who called the cold and unforgiving north their home. Sometimes warning each other and sometimes forming alliances which never lasted too long. When empires began to spring up all over the south, many wars were fought for the right to dominate Rivenesk. In the end it was the Empire of Karthos that emerged victorious, building their great capital in the far youth overlooking the sea. They built magical wonders and expanded their territory even into the far north. However in the revelry they grew fat and lazy and a new empire rose up and conquered the Karthians in a single month, replacing them and instituting the new order onto Rivenesk, the order of the White Throne. They were swift and brutal in their take over, gaining Allie’s at every turn, whether from fear or loyalty none can say. Nowadays the Queen calls for the loyalty and allegiance from the other royal houses, supposedly seeking full and total control over Rivenesk.


Those who roam these lands are usually locals or people who have lived in Rivenesk for their whole lives, travelers and foreigners tend to be few and far between due to the war torn state of the continent.

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