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The Harpies Flock

Notable Members

  • Helene Hellsing (Captain)
  • Malcom (Male Halfling Cleric First Mate)
  • Oldoh (Sharkfolk Barbarian)


  • 1044 PE: The crew is formed from hired hands that come and go pretty frequently.
  • Current Year is 3981 or 1049 PE and time began in 2932 BE

Plot Hooks

  • In the middle of the night during the first game a massive thunderstorm will start up, anyone on deck at the time may make a DC 15 perception check to see another ship with yellow sails and flying a black pirates flag (Skull and crossbones). On a success they will gain a surprise round before the ship fires off a volley of cannon balls and starting up a short two round combat where their captain (Helene) will try and kill Captain Baloo while the rest of the crew keeps the party busy.


  1. Captain
  2. First Mate


  • Kill all of Helenes old crew.
  • Make as much coin as possible.


12 Members


Illicit, Pirate Crew

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