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The Unsung Sea

Number Encounter
1 Arcane Typhoon: A strange storm backlit by green light will begin, enhancing the power of arcane magic. While the storm is active, everyone who casts spells must roll on the wild magic table. Now begin a combat encounter of your choosing.
2 Hurricane: A massive and sudden hurricane will blow through the area, causing the party's ship to become in danger of capsizing. A skill challenge will then begin and will require five successes to pass through the storm, on four failures however the ship will sustain serious damage and possibly could end up capsized.
3 Storm Giant: A bolt of lightning will suddenly strike the ship and a baby storm giant will appear on the deck of the ship. In an hour a full fledged storm Giant will touch down on the ship and depending on how the party treated the baby will determine how the giant treats the party.
4 Thunder Storm: A sudden thunder storm will blow through the area, causing the party's ship to become in danger. A skill challenge will then begin and will require four successes to pass through the storm, on four failures however the ship will sustain serious damage.
5 Pirates: A band of 6-12 Pirates (use the Bandit stat block) in a small ship approach the party’s vessel, demanding they turn over any valuables or be boarded. These Pirates attempt to flee if 1/6 of their number get cut down.
6 Banshee Attack: 1-3 banshee’s will appear floating on the ship and remain there for a while before all suddenly charging the party and screaming, they will target whoever has committed the most heinous of crimes.
7 Ghost Ship: Ethereal green clouds swirl above and the most perceptive character in the party spies a ghostly ship with tattered sails approaching from behind. This Sailing Ship is semi-transparent, glows a sickly green, is crewed by 1 Ghost and 8-14 Specters, and can take actions as if fully crewed. These undead creatures board the player’s vessel and attack once within movement range. If turned and not destroyed, they retreat to the ghost ship and take no actions. If all the spirits are defeated, the ghost ship vanishes.
8 Thunder Storm: A sudden thunder storm will blow through the area, causing the party's ship to become in danger. A skill challenge will then begin and will require four successes to pass through the storm, on four failures however the ship will sustain serious damage.
9 Water Elemental: A water elemental and 2-4 stem Mephistopheles will attempt to pull a few people underneath the wave.
10 Meteor Shower: A beautiful meteor shower will start up at the end of the day and if someone makes a wish at this time, there is a 1% chance that it will begin to come true.
11 Pirates: A band of 6-12 Pirates (use the Bandit stat block) in a small ship approach the party’s vessel, demanding they turn over any valuables or be boarded. These Pirates attempt to flee if 1/6 of their number get cut down.
12 Curious Mermaid: A mermaid with an uncommon magic item will swim up to the nearest member of the party, and usually if there alone. They will ask for a trade for their magic item. If the mermaid is satisfied with the party's offer they will throw the magic item to the party and swim away.
13 Hidden Loot: The party’s vessel passes close by a small, rocky island. The most perceptive character in the party spots a chest nestled amongst the stones. While the chest has a lock, it has long rusted and easily breaks off with a DC 6 Strength (Athletics) check or by dealing 3 points of damage to it. Within is an uncommon magic item of the Game Master’s choice.
14 Calm Waters: All is well and the party gains a day of travel without issue.
15 Killer Whales: A pod of a few killer whales will emerge out in the sea and a few moments later, everyone on the main deck must make a DC 14 dexterity saving throw or fall overboard as one of the whales accidentally hits the boat.
16 Calm Waters: All is well and the party gains a day of travel without issue.
17 Jellyfish Mating: At night a large pool of jellyfish will emerge under the ship and create a beautiful scene for whoever is up on deck.
18 Treasure Map: Small map in a bottle will bump the ship, if the party retrieves it they will find a map leading to an island and buried treasure. The first chest will have a small amount of gold inside and another map, scrawled on the back are the words “don’t come find me.” The second chest has a larger amount of coin inside and another map with the message “seriously stop, leave it be. The third chest will have an even larger amount of gold and an uncommon magic item along with a final map and message attached to it. “I can only imagine that you are simply ignoring my messages at this point but I shall say it again I suppose. Do not come find me! The last chest is a mimic.
19 Calm Waters: All is well and the party gains a day of travel without issue.
20 One Man’s Trash: A small buoy with a wooden box is floating out in the sea. Inside the box is a random rare magic item that has been floating out at sea for a while.



  • 247-283 PE: The first Red Tide begins and ends in a draw between the two factions.
  • 1021-1029 PE: The most recent Red Tide begins and ends in a draw once again, leaving both sides crippled and low on resources of all kinds.
  • Current Year is 3981 or 1049 PE

Regional Effects

Most people who sail out beyond the Unsung Sea tend to get lost or turn up on the complete opposite side of the world.

Notable Locations

Plot Hooks

  • Siv’s Bottled Horizon is on her personal ship, The Refuge.
  • There is a bottled horizon sitting at the bottom of the Unsung Sea.


Important NPC’s


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