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This is Personal

Personal Session 0


  • He will be hunting for the renowned gunslinger, Darig Claudio. Orders were to bring him in dead or alive. He knows that Darig has been held up in Red Watch and has been anticipating an attack.
  • Darig will be held up in an abandoned saloon. If Armistice attacks head on than Darig will start taking pot shots at him while making his escape into the town.
  • The session will end in a western style duel in the town square between Armistice and Darig, It will be a “Glory or Freedom, Life or Death” traditional duel.


  • She was tasked with keeping Darig’s henchman, Lyra, and Pollux busy long enough for Armistice to take out Darig.
  • If the henchman catches onto Roxanne they will sneak up on her and kidnap her but will fail to remove all of her weapons from her.
  • Once Roxanne wakes up she will be tied to a chair with a knife hidden on her. She will then have the opportunity to cut her bonds and kill her attackers.


  1. Collecting the Contract: Armistice and Roxanne will complete a job and after turning in their reward they will be instructed to return to Monty at Monty’s Tavern. When they arrive Monty will ask to speak with Armistice alone.
  • She will ask Armistice how things are going with the rookie and once the small talk is over she will tell Armistice that she found one to the Black Creek Raiders, his name is Djinn Callahan and he has something that Monty needs. It's called the Monkey's Toe. She will tell them to meet her in Ruby Shire at The Reclaimed Slurry once the job is done.
  • If Roxanne splits off from the group she will have the opportunity to talk to one of the group members. If she doesn't interact with anyone she will be intercepted by Ozzie who will be furious about her being chosen for the Monkeys Toe job and will want to know what makes her better than him.
  1. Sailing across the Murinthian: They will be provided with a ship so they can sail to the Untamed Crescent and the Verdant Veil. During this trip they will have an opportunity to role play together. In the middle of the night Roxanne will have a dream of being torn away from a woman's arms as a child. Most of it will be extremely blurred.
  2. Titan Encounter: During their first watch in the Verdant Veil if one of them gets a DC 15 perception check they will see Syndra'gog flying out over the ridge that they're on and into the expanse of the jungle.
  3. Finding Djinn: When they find Djinn he will attempt to run from them, making contested constitution saving throws. If he succeeds twice a Vineekra (Venus flytrap tiger) will attack the person closest to Djinn. After they defeat the Vineekra they will find Djinn at the edge of a cliff over a waterfall acting panicked.
  4. A moment alone: If Armistice catches Djinn, Tue will project a feeling of fear and panic into Armistice, he will then make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on his next role against Djinn. Djinn will also try to run if he fails. If he makes it to the cliff he will throw himself off of it to save himself from Armistices torture. He has the Monkey's Toe on his body.
  5. Arrival in Ruby Shire: About a week will go by as they return to Ruby Shire at the special request of Monty. This will be during the festival of renewal. When they arrive at Armistice's favorite dive bar, The Reclaimed Slurry, the bartender Lod Orgum will let them into a side room where Monty will be waiting for them.




Player Characters

Important NPC’s

Minor NPC’s

Important Locations

Important Factions

Behind the Scenes

Mr. Paradeez Will be requesting a favor from their long time friend Monty Goldskin to snag some of their best mercs for a job.


If Armistice and Roxanne fail to catch Djinn then he will get away into the Unsung Sea.

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