Aiding the Hammer

Adventure Briefing

Due to a recent surge in Otherwyld (fey) activity, you have been hired to escort a shipment of fireworks for an upcoming festival. The local baron has provided a wagon and driver. The trip will take about four days, ending in Shelter Lake.   The group begins outside of Dondarian and is expected to deliver the goods to Elder Kierie Bastinade for 50 gold each.

Level Range: 1-2
Connected Adventures: The Red Keep Adventure
Locations: Dondarian, The Emerald Wood, Shelter Lake
Printable PDF: Download Here

#1: The Caravan

A market located outside the city of Dondarian. The group has a driver, horse, and wagon waiting for them.   Read Aloud.
Outside the city of Dondarian’s walls, you find yourself among a colorful array of traveling merchants called The Caravan. Wagon stalls surround you, the din of people and an earthy aroma of animals fill the air.
  Cargo, Driver, & Horse
Jewel. Chaotic Neutral, Female Ember. Doesn’t have much to say but is a great driver. Rides atop a draft horse named Plod. In a conflict, Jewel will unhitch Plod and run until things have cleared. There is one inventory list and 16 bundles of fireworks carefully wrapped in a tarp.

#2: The Stowaway

A fugitive has stowed away under the cart in an attempt to flee the city. Her goal is to escape into the woods when far enough away and the cart has stopped.   Reena Shorebound. Chaotic Good, Female Elvenari. Fears being arrested for tax evasion and wants to escape through the Emerald Wood. Use a Commoner stat block with a dagger.   Difficulty. Investigation or Perception Checks
Consequences. If the party or guards don’t notice Reena she will steal a bundle and flee when far enough away. If she is discovered the guards may suspect abetting a criminal.

#3: Tinn and Rah

Drawn by the presence of a local dragon, a kobold and a magma mephit are hoping to create a blazing tribute.   Read Aloud.
With shaking hands, a rusty-scaled kobold levels a small bow in your direction, yelling obscenities in draconic. It glows in the flames of a flying clawed creature that is pulsing with energy and cackling in glee.
  Tinn. Chaotic Evil, Male Kobold. Knows there is a dragon nearby and has been worked into a frenzy to impress them.
Rah. Neutral Evil Elemental. Magma Mephit. Wants to burn and can’t wait to burst!
Difficulty. Creatures with the scent feature may sense them early. Perception checks or ambush. Will attack at dusk with a DC 15 Stealth.
Conflict. Kobold and magma mephit. If they ambush, the mephit will begin near the wagon. The kobold will harass from a distance and cheer on its mephit friend. Add additional kobolds to increase danger.
Consequences. If the wagon takes fire damage roll 1d6 . On a 1 a firework bundle ignites.

#4: The Storm

A sudden storm breaks and threatens to ruin the fireworks. The rains and winds are severe, but will not last more than an hour.   Read Aloud.
The weather makes a sudden shift, breezes becoming gusts as the gentle patter of rain can be heard. Within moments it is a heavy downpour.
  Difficulty. Survival Checks. Run a skill challenge.
  • Good cover from rain is difficult to find.
  • Wind picks up the tarp.
  • Jewel is dismounted / Plod gets frightened.
Consequences. Roll 1d8 to see how many bundles are ruined.

#5: Fellow Traveler

A man traveling from Shelter Lake is seeking to resupply in Dondarian. He secretly knows what the group has with them and is willing to make a tempting offer to get his hands on some.   Read Aloud.
A covered wagon led by an old mule and an even older man rolls down the road, slowing to greet you as they pass. He eyes you and your cart with equal interest.
  Miguel Turner. Chaotic Neutral, Male Human. He has knowledge of the shipment, including the inventory sheet. He is willing to alter the document but has little skill. He is a coward at heart and will flee if threatened or harassed. Miguel will offer 100 gold for each bundle of fireworks, up to three bundles.   Difficulty. Insight Check. Elder Kyrie will check the inventory sheet carefully.
Consequences. If discovered Kyrie will cut pay by half.

Rewards & Tables



Based on the group’s success, Elder Kierie Bastinade will offer different rewards. No matter what, as long as some dry fireworks are delivered and she does not suspect the group was involved in any foul play, Kierie will pay the base pay of the mission. Elder Kierie has a +3 to her Investigation and Insight checks to notice altered documents or lying.   If all or most of the fireworks are delivered in perfect condition Kierie will provide the party with a bundle for themselves and a free room at the Hanging Trout for the upcoming festivities.   If the majority of the fireworks are missing or damaged Kierie will provide a tongue-lashing and nothing else.

Caravan Market Stock

Apple Tarts (1 sp), Caricature Self Portrait (30 sp), Forgery Kit (15 gp), Copper Pots or Kettles (1 sp), Douser (5 gp), Flapjack (20 gp), Machine Made Quilts (5 sp), Handmade Quilts (3 gp)


If a bundle is set off unintentionally roll 1d6 .   1-2. The target explodes with a dazzling display of colors. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute.
3-4. Thick black smoke spreads out from the target in a 30-foot radius, moving around corners. The area of the smoke is heavily obscured. The smoke persists for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it.
5. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
6. Another firework bundle goes off. Roll again.

Maps & Tokens

FtVV Road Map

Jewel Token


Plod Token


Reena Shorebound

Tinn Figurine


Rah Token


Miguel Token

Miguel Turner

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