Chapter Two: Known History

The early history of Dromaria is the stuff of legend; after all, mortals have not always graced its shores. The journey of the Ancestors across the Sunrun System to establish their settlement on this planet is considered a historical fact. This story is supported by rare recordings of Song Stones and the enduring testimonies of ancestral journals. However, despite these records, the planet has undergone significant changes since then.   In the modern era, understanding where one comes from is a personal quest. Everyone is interested in legacy, from family lineage to the reincarnation of lost loved ones. Whether a humble beggar or a mighty dragon, how others remember someone defines history. Many of Dromaria's scholars dedicate their lives to preserving and conveying the facts of the world's origins.   What you'll find here is the generally accepted version of Dromaria's history. To those who call this world home, the exploits of Ulric Lothor, the travels of Temilian, and the recent Demon War are as much a part of reality as any other event. The deeds of the Ancestors have molded Dromaria into what it is today, and now it is up to their descendants to continue shaping this world.   Dromaria’s calendar is divided into two distinct periods. The first is the Draconic Age, covering most of recorded history, from 1 to 6,072 DA. Recently, the world has changed to the new calendar, and as of the publishing of this book, we are in the year 5 UE, the Universal Era.   History remembers five distinct eras of time since the mortals' arrival. These are the Path of the Ancestors, the Age of Horror, the Age of Imperium, the Age of Mortals, and the current age, called the Universal Era.  

Path of the Ancestors

1 - 3,780 DA

Worlds in the Sunrun system rose and fell until eventually, those first brave explorers, now known as the Ancestors, set sail aboard the Kalatearman in the year 2,828 DA to establish a new home for the otherwise doomed planets. All the while, dragons born of Dromaria ruled over the land uncontested.   The Path of the Ancestors era is the longest on record, marked by Tus'Alim’s creation of the Upiryrials and lasting nearly 4,000 years until the World Trees were planted on Dromaria. It is the most important era in collective mortal knowledge, much of which has faded from memory.   Temilian Sunrun is the progenitor of the Ancestors' journey. He, Dona Aldini, and Dona’s son Galvani created the Kalatearman - a vessel capable of sailing the stars. What they were fleeing from and why the Ancestors abandoned their worlds are still highly debated subjects. The word ‘Void’ was used in many old texts, referencing it as an entirely different element. Others talk of creatures slipping through holes in reality. No matter the reason, the passengers of the Kalatearman traveled from world to world, collecting any who wished to join before settling on the planet Malkari.   While on Malkari, the Ancestors spoke to the inhabitants. It is there that the great god Narwel blessed the Ancestors with a prophecy. These words, spoken only once, would go on to define much of what was to come. The world of Malkari was not strong enough to support all of those who had been gathered. Within this prophecy, it became clear - travel onward to Dromaria, and there, fate would intercede.   When the Ancestors finally arrived in 3,098 DA, they found a world lush with life and brimming with power. The elements raged, sweeping across continents freely and with fervor. Within days of arrival, conflict began. Dragons, creatures of immense size and strength, lived in this world, and it was theirs to claim. War started almost immediately. In the days that followed, there were many casualties on both sides, but these were merely the first skirmishes of the conflicts. Among those who died were the gods of the planet Nalorea, Damyomhikir and Benikio, along with Galvani Aldini and Gaides Krazier.   Immediately, the war escalated. Lucca Krazier, in response to the death of his brother, rallied forces alongside Dona Aldini. The group set out to the dragon lands across the sea and took the fight to the beasts. The events that unfolded in response to this would define the course of the world.   The assault led to the death of a Primal dragon, Rodgort, along with many of its kin. But the Ancestors were not unscathed. In the aftermath of the battle, a frightening realization occurred. Souls could not be found to return to their bodies, and it became clear that this material plane was meant for dragons, not man. With this frightening discovery, Polurn Krazier, in both grief and her comprehensive understanding of death, worked to remedy the problem.   With her sacrifice, Polurn sparked a new cycle of rebirth on Dromaria, nurturing mortal souls through death and planting new seeds of life. In the following years, conflict continued, but its intensity faded. Narwel's words once again echoed through the Ancestors, and they began to understand.   Early in the war with the dragons, it became evident that they were not simply unthinking beasts but brilliant, powerful beings. To not only survive but to thrive here, something drastic had to happen. Mortal and dragon forged an agreement called The Covenant. This pact sealed the world’s fate, and a new age began. As part of the Covenant, the Sovereign Sage position was created to maintain the balance between the two sides.   The dragons placed the Ancestors Dromadaes Kala Tumwood and Matunas Tormontear in charge of overseeing the mortals, and in doing so, a new life began for the settlers. In the centuries that followed, the world witnessed great deeds. The original settling point became Kalatearman, named after the vessel that brought the Ancestors to Dromaria. A great migration occurred, with people traveling across the oceans to carve homes out of their own.   Within Kalatearman, Sorona, and Seveth Van Dem, Upiryrial leaders and devout believers in Tus'Alim began construction on ‘The Path of the Ancestors.’ This landmark would travel from the base of the Godswept Peaks, spiraling into the mountains, carrying the legacy of those who fought for their new home. A tremendous tree, known as a Worldtree, was planted at its summit. One of four, these trees connected the mortals to the elements in much the same way the dragons were. Great kingdoms rose as stability became possible   With the whispers of Narwel’s Prophecy lingering, a being of raw elemental Essence appeared. History is fickle around this subject, purposefully altered. What is known is that in the years before the Age of Horror, a being of terrestrial origin began to appear, speaking to the Ancestors about what was to come. This being, called Groman, became a roaming figure of god-like power, protecting the world from threats and giving cryptic messages before a disaster.  

Age of Horror

3,780 - 4,000 DA

People spread, establishing foundations intended to last generations.   The elves of Eshana settled in Dendenwine, while the dwarves of Forn split between the continents of Pathriam and Mortéglace. The elvenari of Nalorea sought refuge in the forests of Leng and the Malkari in the eastern desert of Pathriam. Ulric Lothor and his wife, Ygrette Melion, established the kingdom of Ania as a seat of power for their family. Everywhere, names were given to places, and the dragons ruled over all of Erimata, with mortals banished from their lands.   Such drastic change attracted old rivals, and danger stirred. Two exiled Upiryrials, Ignatius and Ishkul, joined forces and plunged the world into a bitterly cold and unrelenting brutal new reality. Outside forces assailed Dromaria's inhabitants, attempting to claim the new world for themselves. A cascade of catastrophic horrors followed, with dragons and mortals desperately uniting to defeat the malicious forces. Entire biomes changed, and priceless creations from the old worlds were lost forever.   The Age began when the moon Ankyaro unexpectedly blocked out the sun and did not move. This extended eclipse resulted in Dromaria experiencing an unexpected ice age, launching it into 220 years of conflict.   Ignatius the Cold rose to power over the frozen wastes, home to monsters and dragons escaping the Covenant. His mastery of ice and snow in a world shrouded by darkness provided a perfect battlefield. As circumstances evolved, other horrors began to emerge. Monsters of immeasurable evil touched every civilization, shearing the Essence Forge from the Undain dwarves, devouring the elven land of Dendenwine, and spreading plague across the Eastlands.   Ishkul, with Ignatius's support, seized Pathriam, invading from underground. Assuming control over the new lands, the two launched a campaign of death and destruction. People everywhere fled, seeking refuge in Kalatearman or any available bastion of hope. Ulric Lothor, in his new kingdom, emerged as a paragon of mortal strength, protecting all under his care and negotiating the Dragon's Peace, allowing refugees to enter Erimata under draconic protection.   In turn, Lothor gathered his Crusaders of Illumination, soldiers dedicated to eradicating the rising evils. Together, alongside Seveth Van Dem, the two became beacons of light in an age of darkness. Wherever they rode, the Crusaders vanquished fear and inspired trust.   As the years passed and the toll of war grew, some in positions of power became desperate. Seveth Van Dem reached into the night for power in a hopeless attempt to fulfill his many promises. The man known as the Forefather, a once honorable soul tasked with protecting the Ancestors' legacy, fell, becoming a twisted terror himself.   The rule of Ignatius and Ishkul spread everywhere, with snow and abominations guarding their strongholds. The mortals could not hold out forever. Thurknot, a goblin of the Otherwyld, approached Lothor with a strategy to combat the centuries of unholy atrocity. The Plans of Savagery, a series of deadly and calculated risks, were intended to take out vital elements of the nightmarish age.   Using the power of the Sovereign Sage and the natural energy of the world's Leylines, Ley Prisons were created to lock away beings that could not be killed. The Ancestors strategized, divided, and set out to eliminate their enemies. With Thurknot spearheading the operation, they imprisoned the Konoclast, the most dangerous aspects of Gandar the Legion, Mother Malign, Amarantha Cull, stopped the ceaseless hunger of the Lecker, and ended Ishkul's wrath. These victories, however, came at a heavy cost, with death counts from the Plans of Savagery exceeding those of the last two hundred years.   Ultimately, the Ancestors and dragons united to ride on Ignatius' seat of strength. There, they scorched the frozen land, ending his terrible dominion. The period had a devastating effect, not just on the people and the heroes, but on the Ancestors as well. The Age of Horror claimed the lives of many Ancestors and their children, including Lothor, Asir, Sorona, Peruvus, and Thurknot. Their heroic acts have immortalized them as saints and deities forever.   As the age ended, the elves crowned a new Emperor: Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless, a man of divine heritage and an Ancestor himself.  

Age of Imperium

4,000 - 4,700/5,670 DA

The Muindor Disputes began when the elves of Dendenwine sought refuge in Leng. Tensions with the resident elvenari, inspired by Emperor Aenaryuu's sister Elsinleyown Yam’hikir, ignited the conflict. Elsinleyown's defiance led to her death at her brother's blade. The elven gods Serithell and Sithir were engulfed in sorrow and vanished, believed dead or departed. Under the new Emperor’s rule, the elves amassed all knowledge of magic and technology. The elves of Leng hoarded this information for three centuries, denying access to outsiders.   Meanwhile, a second great migration unfolded. Gwynn Lothor, the last of her siblings, completed the Civil Gospels, sparking a religious renaissance that propelled Illumination and Lothoren across the populous. This era saw the founding of numerous nations, cities, and other civilizations, which rose and fell. Long-lived races returning home found their lands occupied, fueling frequent wars and territorial disputes.   In Erimata, dragons began to establish law. With the Dragon's Peace now permanent, mortals across Dromaria migrated to the continent, and existing inhabitants expanded their control. The Thundering Flight, a dragon-led governing body, was established, bringing direct dragon rule over their new subjects.   The surviving Ancestors from the Age of Horror labored to rectify the aftermath. As a result, Dromadaes' student, Senex Malus, emerged as a tyrant, resurrecting a dragon as an undead abomination. The undead Benthu's terror spanned centuries. Due to Malus' actions, the Ancestors Matunas and Dromadaes perished before his eventual imprisonment in the Ley Prisons.   Five of the six Sovereign Sages, all with complicated histories, emerged during this age. Lei Shin, Elsinleyown's daughter, was the first. The dragons executed her for allowing Benthu's creation. Maltavoris, Matunas' son, was the second Sovereign Sage. He betrayed their cause, colluding with Senex Malus. After Seveth Van Dem killed Maltavoris, Malus resurrected him as the lich Jeth, who allied with Benthu. Tollu’tallaria, the Dragon Sage, was the third Sage and first and only dragon to hold the position, serving nearly 250 years before falling to Benthu.   Azha Govestania, the fourth Sovereign Sage, demanded Emperor Aenaryuu release the hoarded knowledge for the world's betterment. The elves' refusal led Azha to establish the Arcane Collective dedicated to preserving and disseminating magical knowledge. A coup within the elven hierarchy, led by Daermathor Beriana, resulted in releasing the guarded secrets to the Collective. This act ignited a revolution in information and technology.   The Sage position again changed hands, with Azha dying in a final battle against Jeth and Benthu. Harvie Ambrosius, the fifth and most renowned Sage, along with Groman and the Undain dwarves, captured Jeth and Benthu, finally confining them in the Ley Prisons.   Harvie, dubbed the Deadeyes, held his position for 1,600 years. His associates, including Mighty God, Prophet Stroud, Proelia Summus, and Draken Darkstone, formed the Band of the Sage, sealing the final remnants of the Age of Horror.   The era was characterized by constant warfare in Pathriam, development in Erimata, and political evolution in Leng, with Aenaryuu retreating to Tensen due to old injuries. People debate the age's end, marked either by the Deadeyes assuming the Sage position in 4,700 DA or by Caraconne Tritos' ascension in 5,670 DA, which ended regional conflicts.   This age witnessed the decline of the Ancestors and the rise of gods and nations. Despite advancements in technology, magic, and spirituality, perpetual warfare and territorial disputes marred much of the growth. Nations emerged and dissolved, and heroes and villains arose. The remaining Ancestors distanced themselves from worldly affairs, leaving legacies of power for their successors.    

Age of Mortals

4,700/5,670 - 6,072 DA

Often hailed as a golden age, this period is defined by rapid advancements in elemental technology, agriculture, construction, and transportation, fostering global movement. Permanent nations and cities thrived, towns burgeoned, and the world experienced widespread growth.   Erimata saw a new generation of dragons, with younger members of the Thundering Flight assuming leadership and the Sandlord Ryodo claiming the sands of the Esh Republic. This span also heralded the emergence of new adventurers and heroes addressing various challenges. The Ancestors' remnants became increasingly apparent. Anointed individuals, reborn with the blood of deceased Ancestors, surfaced. Champions discovered ancient weapons and artifacts, each harboring fragments of divine power. The Chosen, appointed by living Ancestors, battled on behalf of Dromaria.   Meanwhile, the Otherwyld expanded in the Westlands, engulfing southern Belwin. Stroud covertly schemed to dismantle the Covenant to liberate Senex Malus, and most critically, Lilith the Cruel orchestrated the events leading to the Demon War.   Lucca Krazier, Unforgiven of the Covenant, resurfaced to claim Dromaria, annihilating the city of Blarek and executing rulers worldwide. The ensuing three years saw demons proliferate, marking the most significant global crisis since the Age of Horror. Demonic entities infiltrated positions of power, spreading terror. The heightened presence of the Ancestors Chosen became apparent, culminating in Lucca's permanent defeat and Lilith's expulsion.   The Demon Lord's legacy has since endured in the forms of distrust and anarchy. Following years of shapeshifters and attacks in the night, the world began to feel unstable. The Tritos Dominion lost its 400-year ruler and plunged into a succession crisis. Groman, typically elusive, surfaced across Dromaria, issuing warnings of imminent danger. Post-war sentiments oscillated between relief and suspicion, with the pervasive fear of hidden fiends remaining.   A brief period of calm ensued, abruptly ending when Prophet Stroud assaulted Emperor’s Peak, breaching the Ley Prisons and heralding the next age. In response, a Dragon Tribunal replaced Harvie Ambrosius as Sovereign Sage with Malik Kincaid.   Although Stroud’s attack didn't mark the calendar shift, many associate it with the age's end. The true harbinger of the new era was the moon's disappearance after a full Lunar Eclipse, followed by a fresh round of Dukkerin initiated by Dipthi.  

The Current Age

1 UE - Present

The present age, still unnamed, is known in the Gemstone Calendar as the Universal Era. Its full significance remains uncertain, overshadowed by apprehensions about the horrors released from the Ley Prisons, political instability due to the demise of long-standing leaders, the emergence of new nations, and the lingering trauma of the past fifteen years.   Crucial events have occurred early in this age, including the assassination of Emperor Aenaryuu by Seveth Van Dem, Witches of the Otherwyld waging war across the Eastlands, and the Triton's return to the surface for the first time in thousands of years.   Across the world, people are doing their best to band together. While many strive for normalcy, others sense the world's fabric fraying. The whispers of a new age of horrors are sung softly for fear of being heard too loud.
The origins of a world—it's a captivating concept. Here on Earth, we have a comprehensive grasp of our history, yet much remains hidden to time. When it came to Dromaria, capturing that same sense of mystery and legacy was crucial. As an author, I hold a vast knowledge of this world, but for its inhabitants—both those living and those awaiting rebirth—it remains a place brimming with secrets.

~ Drew Whitney

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