Capran Carrier in Dromaria | World Anvil

Capran Carrier

  Capran Carrier
Gargantuan Vehicle, air (250 ft. by 30 ft.)
Creature Capacity 8 Medium creatures / 100 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 300 lbs. / 10,000 lbs.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 15)
Speed 20 mph.


Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned, Unconscious
Capran Carriers require 2 creatures to operate and move, and 4 creatures to safely land. All other actions require 1 additional operator. If any actions are taken without enough creatures, they are done with disadvantage. Up to 8 creatures may fit in the helm of the vessel.   Fuel. Capran Carriers are powered by CAP Crude. Every 100 lbs. of fuel provides 8 hours of flying time. After 24 hours of continuous flight a carrier must stop for basic maintenance lasting at least 8 hours.

Jackknife Hold. Capran Carriers are designed for two modes of transport. Their specialized system allows for the cabin to be switched based on need, one designed for passengers and the other for storage.

Passenger Cabin. When equipped the passenger cabin can hold up to 100 passengers and their belongings of up to 20 lbs. each. The cabin provides air and is always at a comfortable temperature.   Strongbox. When equipped the strongbox allows for up to 10,000 lbs. of weight to be transported. The box is pressurized to remove air for weight distribution. A creature stuck inside when the strongbox is sealed immediately begins suffocating.   Actions
Drive and Steer. Capran Carriers requires 2 drivers to operate and it takes an action to move and steer. If there are not enough drivers, all vehicle based checks are done at disadvantage. While maintaining a normal speed, the carrier will keep its momentum and direction without the need for guidance.

Blowback Barrier. A driver can use a reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack to push the attacker up to 50 feet away.

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The Capran Carrier, with its metal-bound balloon, is the source of most affordable and efficient air travel in Dromaria. Utilizing CAP Crude, which undergoes a transformative elemental reaction through an arcane filter, the airship maintains buoyancy effortlessly. This ingenious system ensures that as long as fuel is supplied, the vessel remains aloft. should the filter encounter issues, the Carrier is designed to descend gradually, losing height in a controlled manner, ensuring passenger safety during unexpected maintenance. The Carrier's design balances functionality and safety, making it a reliable choice for travel.   Capran Corporation, run by Kymer Capran of Tintown, provides services across Pathriam for those looking to sail the skies or move goods across the globe.

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