Current Events

Listed here are the major worldwide events that everyone is aware of, from dragons to beggars. The accounts that are discussed in Chapter Five: Gazetteer may have bigger or more detrimental effects on specific areas around the world, but not on a global scale. Information on the gameplay impact of these events, can be found in Chapter Seven: GM Resources.  

The Demon War

6,664 - 6,667 DA
  A malevolent scheme orchestrated by the dark succubus, Lilith the Cruel, led to catastrophic events. An unsuspecting individual, manipulated into using a powerful artifact, inadvertently opened a portal for a formidable demonic entity to enter Dromaria.   Thousands of years ago, consumed by rage in his death, Lucca Krazier embraced darkness, slowly transforming into a monstrous Demon Lord. In his youth Lucca's deep-seated hatred for dragons drove him to war, attempting to shatter the Covenant. Now, upon his return as a transformed monster, his ambitions had grown, seeking to enslave Dromaria, declaring the city of Blarek his dominion, and transforming the country of Thorn into a realm of darkness and terror. The conflict, lasting three years, ravaged the globe, with Pathriam witnessing the brunt of this devastation. It took the combined might of Dromaria's bravest warriors to banish Lilith back to the netherworld and vanquish Lucca forever.

Prophet Stroud

6,071 DA
  The Prophet's identity remains a mystery, known only as Stroud. They appeared suddenly, visible in every reflective surface across Dromaria on the 19th of the Opal. At Emperor’s Peak, amidst dragon eggs, Stroud declared the end of the Covenant and caused the peak to erupt, destroying the eggs in the process.   Stroud's true intentions were revealed by those who opposed and ultimately killed him. The Prophet channeled a massive energy surge through Dromaria's Ley Lines, causing global system failures and releasing dangerous entities from the Sovereign Sage’s Ley Prisons, including his master, the necromancer Senex Malus. The released horrors are the most formidable and indestructible entities from across the ages, now unleashed upon the world.

Political Upheaval

6,064 DA - 5 UE
  The destruction of Blarek and the demise of numerous members of the Odelian Order during the Demon Lord Lucca’s assault marked the onset of global leadership shifts. This upheaval included the death of Caraconne Tritos, king of the Tritos Dominion who had reigned for nearly 400 years, at the hands of Lucca. The widespread presence of demons, exploiting influential positions to manipulate people, led to the downfall of many local leaders.   In the aftermath, the newly formed nations of Frijring and Serawa seceded from the Tritos Dominion. Following the Prophet Stroud’s attack on the Covenant, the dragons insisted on the dismissal of the Sovereign Sage. Consequently, the longest-serving Sage, Harvie Deadeyes, resigned after a tenure of 1,581 years, replaced by a young ember, Malik Kincaid.   In the year 2 UE, on the 3rd of Ruby, the longest-reigning global leader, Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless of Leng, died. His reign, spanning 2,098 years, was ended by Seveth Van Dem, one of the beings released from the Ley Prisons. Seveth has since returned to Zan'deil, claiming it as his territory. The resurgence of ancient horrors, coupled with significant shifts in long-standing power structures, has triggered widespread upheaval. The world remains uncertain about the eventual outcomes of these tumultuous changes.

The Witch Wars

6,072 DA - 1 UE
  For years, the Sisters lay dormant, quietly amassing their strength. This period of deceptive tranquility was shattered when the Ley Prisons broke, unleashing three formidable witches. These hags, driven by a ruthless desire to reclaim the power they believed was usurped by their kin, ignited a war amongst themselves. Their bitter rivalry inadvertently led to the resurrection of Mother Malign, a fearsome entity from the Age of Horror.   The war's tendrils spread across the Tritos Dominion, reaching as far north as the frigid lands of Mortéglace. The land still bears the indelible scars of the conflict. Although brief, the Witch Wars were fraught with terror and chaos. It was only through the combined efforts of the Otherwyld Courts and a brave group of heroes, known as the Witch Hunters, that the war was finally quelled. Among these individuals, one ascended to become a new queen of the Otherwyld. In a cunning final act, she sealed away Mother Malign, using herself as the vessel, graining immeasurable power, and bringing an end to the war.

New Round of Dukkerin

1 UE - Current
  The disappearance of Ankyaro, marked by the significant event, Daes Dae, heralded a new era in the Dromarian calendar. This celestial anomaly occurred when Dipthi returned during a full lunar eclipse. After the eclipse, as the sun resumed its course, the moon remained mysteriously absent. This event sparked widespread panic, yet, curiously, natural phenomena like the tides remained unaffected.   In response, denizens of the Otherwyld began traversing the world in large numbers, driven by a singular, haunting question: “Do you know where the moon is?” Subsequent research revealed that Ankyaro was still in orbit, but has become invisible. Amidst this mystery, the fey courts of the Otherwyld are engaged in an intricate and thrilling political struggle, heightened by the fact that Dipthi has yet to reappear.  
The Leyline Prisoners
  The Prophet Stroud’s actions have caused irreparable damage on every continent. As the last age ended, immortals locked away for centuries by the Sovereign Sage have been unleashed. Among those who have escaped the Ley Prisons are figures whose names are infamous and whose deeds are far beyond redemption. Here, you will find a few of these notorious fugitives, while the full list and their impact can be found in Chapter Seven: GM Resources.

Anvil Bullet Point
Anvil Bullet Point
Senex Malus.

A once-esteemed Eshanan and apprentice to Dromadaes, Malus turned to dark magic in his quest for immortality, resulting in raising dragons from the dead and unleashing a wave of terror across Dromaria. His manipulative schemes, from threshold crossing necromancy to influencing his apprentice Stroud, culminated in a climactic battle near the Den of the Dragon, leading to his capture. Since gaining his freedom, Senex Malus has not been seen.

  An executioner and pillar of honesty who stood alongside his wife, the goddess Sorona, Seveth succumbed to darkness in the Age of Horror, transforming into the first vampire and embarking on a ruthless vendetta against the descendants of the Ancestors. After centuries of imprisonment, his release led to the assassination of Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless and his return to the Godswept Peaks of Zan'deil.

  Once a formidable giant commander named Aegoloth, transformed by the god Ishkul into a fearsome monstrosity, this entity is a nightmarish fusion of owl, giant, and wurm. Recognized as a deity by many giants, Maegoloth's release has reignited the fervor of the Warped Mammoth Crush, causing chaos and fear across Mortéglace.

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Jeth Tormontear.
  Maltavoris, the second Sovereign Sage, was transformed following betrayal, power struggles, and a hidden hatred for dragons. His alliance with Senex Malus and brutal actions against Leng earned him a fearsome reputation, leading to his eventual downfall and resurrection as Jeth, a lich consumed by vengeance, aligned with the terrifying undead dragon, Benthu. Jeth's current whereabouts are unknown.

Anvil Bullet Point
Anvil Bullet Point
  Expunged from draconic history for its transformation into an undead monstrosity at the hands of Senex Malus, Benthu is a symbol of disdain to dragonkind. Notorious for slaying two Sovereign Sages with its accomplice Jeth, it was ultimately the collective might of the Thundering Flight that subdued this fearsome creature. With the return of Benthu, the world waits for the inevitable conflict.

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