Engineered - Background

Born of extraordinary, unconventional methods, your existence is a testament to the miracles of science, magic, or perhaps a blend of both. Whether forged as a Neo-Natix machine by the legendary One-Eyed King, or hatched as a winged volgul from an alchemical egg, your genesis strays far from the traditional. To people, you are a curiosity at best and a disconcerting mystery at worst. Your life has followed a challenging path toward acceptance and inclusion.   Your distinctive origins tell a compelling narrative that shapes your role within society. Often met with a blend of awe, suspicion, and sometimes fear, you must navigate your relationships with a careful blend of diplomacy and determination.   Every engineered is crafted with a purpose in mind. Whether you retain memory of this purpose or are yet to uncover it, is a question for you and your GM to explore.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One type Artisan's Tool
Equipment: One type of artisan's tool of your choice, a staff, a set of traveler's clothes, a trinket of special significance
Feature: Unconventional Purpose
Your very existence defies traditional norms, and the thoughts or intentions of your creator may manifest in your consciousness through dreams, visions, or other inexplicable experiences. These messages can provide insights akin to augury or divine intervention, guiding you on your path and urging you to fulfill your purpose. Collaborate with your GM to determine the specifics of these messages.
Suggested Characteristics
Engineered deal with non-traditional personality traits and ideals, often rooted in their creation. It is likely your flaws are also part of your strange perspective on how the world works.  
Your Creator's Vision
  From the moment of your inception, your creator wove a purpose into your being. Whether this purpose resonates within you clearly or remains shrouded in mystery, it is entirely your choice whether to heed its call. Nevertheless, echoes of your designated intent might seep into your awareness, whispering hints and insights about your maker's designs. The following list presents possible avenues through which your creator might communicate their aspirations or guide you. You are encouraged to devise your own means of receiving these hints if you wish and should collaborate with your GM in doing so.  

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