Knights of the Blossom in Dromaria | World Anvil

Knights of the Blossom

Founded during the rebuilding of the city, the Knights of the Blossom operate out of New Blarek. Their reputation for helping the downtrodden has granted them many benefactors, allowing for a quick rise to prominence. Despite their association with the city, the Knights maintain complete independence, choosing which jobs to take purely off of need and merit.    



Rosalind Fletcher

Lawful Good, Female Human   Sacred Knight Rosalind Fletcher, the devoted leader of the Knights of the Blossom, is an icon of the Lothoren faith. Her commitment to spreading her religion's principles, through both charitable deeds and martial prowess, have earned her the esteemed title of Sacred Knight. Her position grants the rare privilege of anointing others who share her ideals and commitment.   Her leadership is characterized by a blend of compassion and bravery. She has harnessed her authority to assemble a coalition of virtuous warriors, mirroring the legendary journey of Lothor. Under her guidance, the Knights of the Blossom have embarked on missions across Pathriam, striving to continue the work started by Lothor himself. Her belief in the importance of doing good without seeking accolades shapes the ethos of the Knights, fostering a culture of selflessness and humility within their ranks.   Rosalind’s love for adventure and exploration often leads her to uncharted territories. This trait not only fuels her personal journey but also inspires her followers to embrace challenges beyond their comfort zones. The Knights of the Blossom, under her leadership, have become synonymous with integrity and bravery, tirelessly working to uphold the values of Lothor and make a meaningful impact in the world.


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In times of trouble it is up to those who can to maintain order and peace.
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Do your job, but do not sacrifice your personal ideas to do so.
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The individual matters just as much as the masses.

Interests & Jobs

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Threats to Individuals. The Knights are often called upon as bodyguards or protectors.
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Threats to Prosperity. Everyone should have the chance to flourish and live enriched lives.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Fresh Pellet, Healer’s Kit, Mending Box, Pathway®, Riding Horse, and a Riding Saddle   Monthly Stipend: 80 gp, Feed (7 days), and 2 x Spell Scrolls of Alarm

Downtime Benefits

The Knights believe in hard work and offer the following benefits for doing so in your downtime.   • Whenever you earn gold during downtime, the guild will match 50% of it.
• When performing research you are considered to have access to a library at all times.
• For twice the cost and twice the amount of downtime, the guild will scribe Spell Scrolls of the appropriate level for you.
Knights of the Blossom

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations
New Blarek

Arcane Investigation Charter Icon
Necrocleansing License Symbol
Beast Hunter Permit
Authority of Detainment Symbol
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol
Use of Force Seal Symbol
Knowledge Acquisition Pass Symbol

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