Silverfield in Dromaria | World Anvil


Silverfield began as a venture for adventure, turning into a fully operational adventurer’s guild. Located in the city of Tor and backed by the wealthy merchant’s located throughout the city, Silverfield has a reputation for inexperienced members who are exceptionally well backed.  


The Children of Silverfield
  In the wake of their predecessors' transition from adventurers to prosperous merchants, the Children of Silverfield have inherited the reins of the guild. This new generation, descendants of various guild heroes and leaders, wields their abundant wealth and inherited status with varying degrees of responsibility. Silverfield, once a stalwart adventuring force, has evolved under their leadership into an entity driven by the diverse whims of these young heirs.   Some of this generation seek to harness their fortune for worldly betterment or wish to dabble in adventure, offsetting their inexperience with sheer enthusiasm and resources. Others, aspiring to emerge from the long shadows of their forebears, recklessly plunge into perilous endeavors, often escaping by a mix of luck and legacy. Having forsaken their familial names to adopt the surname Silverfield, they now carry a common legacy that is distinct from their individual familial ties. The four current leaders of Silverfield represent a blend of youthful naivety, over-privileged backgrounds, and well-meaning intentions, marking a new chapter in the guild's history.


Milo Silverfield

Chaotic Good, Male Dwarf   Milo Silverfield, the youngest guild leader, steps into his role with inherent charm. The son of storied adventurer Luther Wave, Milo inherits both a legacy of wealth and prestige, and the responsibility of advancing Silverfield's adventuring spirit. Despite his inexperience, Milo's approach is marked by eagerness to explore and readiness for the challenges of adventuring.   Carrying his father's legacy, Milo finds himself at a juncture of privilege and expectation. His path is shaped more by navigating real responsibilities than by combat skills. While traditional fighting prowess eludes him, Milo excels in rallying support and captivating audiences.   Amid admirers and hopeful brides, Milo's focus is steadfast on adventure, using the guild's activities as a canvas for his aspirations. His pursuit of adventure is a journey to prove his worth, transcending his lineage and wealth.

Terrance Silverfield

Chaotic Neutral, Male Human   Son of Lola Brass, the Herald of the Southern Court, Terrance abandoned his family name in pursuit of something greater. As a teenager, he found himself alone in the Liyish wilderness, where he was forced to live off his wits without protection. This harrowing experience transformed him, and when he returned to civilization, Terrance was a changed man.   Years of honing his craft have earned Terrance a reputation for razor-sharp shrewdness in negotiations. He is comfortable amidst tension and adept at turning charged situations to his advantage. Terrance has a distinct knack for steering conversations in his desired direction. His approach, often laced with sarcasm, might not always be well-received, but it is undeniably effective. Within the Silverfield guild, Terrance is the driving force behind ventures reaching new heights of profitability. He excels in the art of negotiation, cultivating advantageous positions with finesse that is as admired as it is feared.

Carla Silverfield

Neutral Good, Female Human   Raised in the lap of luxury as a restless youth, Carla channeled her energy into intense martial practice. Her upbringing in a wealthy merchant home emboldened her spirit, fueling her drive to excel in physical prowess. Of the four current leaders of Silverfield, Carla works as a warrior, her skills honed through rigorous training and a competitive nature.   As the head trainer and lead field operative for the guild, Carla's role is both critical and dynamic. She is driven by the goal of elevating their status to unprecedented heights, utilizing her skill with a blade. Her life is a constant balance between the thrill of competition and the responsibilities of leadership, embodying the spirit and ambition of Silverfield.

Dawn Silverfield

Chaotic Good, Female Elvenari   Originally from a family of trade brokers, Dawn chose to step away from her family's long-standing legacy. Working as negotiators, bridging the gap between the Great Forest residents and the people of Yakone, she lived a life stuck between the elvenari of the woods and the elves of the city. Aspiring to create her own legacy, Dawn amassed her resources and set out to make a name for herself, a decision that would eventually lead her to relinquish her family name in favor of Silverfield.   Her journey took her through a period of questionable dealings in the Esh Republic, particularly around the town of Annesville. There, she provided mediation between the local citizens and the Emperor's representatives in Corsenth. This period of her life was marked by heavy risk and opportunity, molding her into a figure capable of navigating the most intricate commercial landscapes.   Dawn's prowess eventually caught the attention of the former leaders of the Silverfield guild. Recognizing her skills and enterprising spirit, they welcomed her into their ranks. She now applies her exceptional understanding of trade, finance, and negotiation to Silverfield and works tirelessly for her chosen path.


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The world needs saving, use your means to do it.
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Seek out that which will aid everyone as a whole.
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Establish your own roots where you choose.

Interests & Jobs

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Gathering Contacts. Often jobs will be taken with the specific intent of making lasting connections.
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Adventure. Many members are bored with their current situation and will take anything that sounds like a potential adventure.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Abacus, Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Force Baton, Merchant’s Scales, Perfume (vial), Portable Scholar, Potion of Healing, Saddlebags, Self-Writing Quill, and choose between a Camel or a Draft Horse   Monthly Stipend: Lodging fees, and any paper, parchment, or ink needed

Downtime Benefits

Thanks to long lengthy ties to the merchant Guilds of Tor, you are able to get the best deals in your off time.   • When selling magic items during downtime you are always able to get at least 100% of the base price.
• When carousing you cannot make hostile contacts.
• When buying a magic item you do not need to roll for complications.

Silverfield Guild Symbol

Guild Symbol

Base of Operations

Bounty Execution Writ Symbol
Necrocleansing License Symbol
Beast Hunter Permit
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol
Confiscation and Inspection Rights Symbol
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol
Erimata, Erindor, Frijring, Leng

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