The Blighted Cove

The Blighted Cove is a small, puzzling bay on Belwin's southeastern coast, notorious for its inexplicable phenomena and lifeless waters. Its eerie reputation makes it a place most avoid, yet it intrigues the bravest and most foolhardy souls.  


Situated along Belwin's eastern coast, the Blighted Cove also borders the country of Thorn. Its shoreline is largely unremarkable, with beaches extending directly into the water. Several rivers, including the Skirmish River from the Gorun Hills, flow into the cove, yet they seem to contribute little to its vitality.  


The Blighted Cove's history is shrouded in mystery and punctuated by myths. Its lifeless state has been long-standing, with no clear point of origin. Legends are the closest thing to truth, including tales of gods Nethul and The Nebull fighting over a lost love and rumors of a sea beast polluting its waters. While no significant historical events are recorded, the cove remains a subject of both folklore and trepidation.  


Human activity around the cove is minimal due to its hazardous nature. However, its toxic waters have been harvested for various nefarious uses, including the crafting of poisons. Some also attempt to research its properties, albeit cautiously.  


The Blighted Cove is nearly devoid of life. Only the most resilient dare to venture into its waters, often driven by a desire to unravel its enigmas or exploit its dangerous properties.
The Blighted Cove

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