
Emerging from the shadow of a once-dominant power, this fledgling nation champions the principles of collective leadership and commercial vitality. With a reputation for innovative airship engineering and abundant resources, it has quickly garnered international attention. Governance here is not the task of a single ruler but a council of elected merchants, committed to steering the nation through both its newfound opportunities and lingering challenges.  


Occupying the southernmost region of Pathriam's Eastlands, this nation is bordered by the Tritos Dominion to the east and north, and Frijring to the west. The Drakefire Ocean laps at its western and southern shores, while the Gyre Ocean flanks the east.   The climate is a boon for agriculture, featuring warm temperatures complemented by regular rainfall. Such conditions not only nourish the land but also attract a diverse array of wildlife, posing challenges and opportunities for local ranchers and shepherds.   Natural barriers serve both as geographic landmarks and strategic advantages. The rugged Slatetop Mountains shield the north, while Shelter Lake and the Emerald Wood provide a lush eastern boundary, a resource it shares with the Tritos Dominion. Rivers flow abundantly, irrigating the rolling hills and grasslands in the north.   In the southwest, the smaller Chayarrow Peaks descend into Yarrow Run, a cliffside valley carved by rivers that form spectacular waterfalls. Further south, the Carmyrddin Forest, teeming with creatures of all kinds, stretches its canopy over the southeast cliffs, making for a view as daunting as it is captivating.


Born from the recent turmoil of the Demon War, this nation once existed merely as a southern frontier for the Tritos Dominion, itself governed by the Kingdom of Ania. When faced with demonic incursions, the people found themselves largely abandoned by the northern ruling powers.   In response, they rallied, pooling resources to mount a successful counterattack that banished the demonic invaders. This feat did more than secure their borders; it sparked a collective reevaluation of a monarchy that had failed them.   Recognizing the imperative for change, they allied with their western neighbors to jointly declare independence, giving birth to the sovereign states of Frijring and Serawa. Both nations were resolute in preserving their newfound autonomy, promptly severing ties with the Tritos Dominion.   In the ensuing years, Serawa has assumed control over the military fortifications left behind by the Tritos Dominion and forged open relations with Frijring. Armed with a portion of the Dominion's former military might, Serawa stands as a nation intently focused on safeguarding its independence.  


In a land where commercial success is highly esteemed, the people are industrious and focused, guided by long-standing traditions influenced by the teachings of Sorona and Lothoren. This ethos permeates the nation, from its bustling marketplaces to its fields and factories.   Driven by this blend of mercantile ingenuity and hardened resolve, the culture is a fascinating study in contrasts. It's a society that values both the power of commerce and the necessity of doing whatever it takes to safeguard the community.   A focus on military readiness pervades daily life, evident in the series of checkpoints along the cliffside valley of Yarrow Run. The open border with Frijring is a notable exception, reflecting a strong alliance that contrasts with the general vigilance elsewhere. This military focus manifests not in mandatory service, as was the practice in the Tritos Dominion, but through generous enlistment incentives and pensions. As a result, tourism remains a rare activity, primarily reserved for those with business or family connections within the nation.   When it comes to cuisine, hearty meats and beans, wheat-based flatbreads, and grilled corn dishes dominate the table. These meals are a backbone of community gatherings.   In the sphere of fashion, the population leans toward elegance and precision, often opting for double-breasted suits and intricate dresses. This attire serves not just as a fashion statement but as an emblem of both personal and national pride.   While magic was often viewed skeptically in the Tritos Dominion, it finds a more accepting home here. The presence of the Sovereign Sage and the Sovereign Spire reinforces the importance and acceptance of the arcane. It's gradually making its way into educational curricula, and the southernmost checkpoint, the Aura Gate, employs magical enchantments for detecting contraband.  


Bound by a strong alliance with Frijring, the nation prioritizes mutual support in the form of shared troops, food, and other vital resources. This partnership stands in stark contrast to the fraught relationship with the Tritos Dominion, its former overseer. Tensions have escalated to the point where a fortified military presence is necessary at the border forts, further straining diplomatic ties.   Another internal dynamic contributing to the national identity is the transformation of the once-dreaded Forhold Prison. Its former inmates have formed a mercenary group called the Condor Legion, whose ethics may be questioned but whose effectiveness is not. These individuals, often seen as heroes by the populace, further complicate the nation's current military landscape.   The country also holds a form of "soft power" in the Sovereign Sage. Though the Sage remains largely detached from national politics, the mere suggestion of his support serves as a powerful deterrent, keeping potential aggressors at bay. Internally, the Council of the Communal Republic, a group of elected merchant leaders, holds significant sway. Their influence extends beyond the nation's borders, affecting trade and politics on a broader scale.  


Boasting a surplus of agricultural and manufactured goods, the nation stands as an economic powerhouse. A significant share of these resources goes to support its ally Frijring, strengthening the alliance. The remainder is strategically utilized to establish new trade relationships and alliances, broadening its economic influence on the global stage.   Airships, initially a part of the Tritos Dominion's military might, have found a new purpose in Serawa. Since gaining independence, these flying vessels have been repurposed for trade, primarily with the Leng Empire. This aerial trade route has become a secured path by both parties.   Controlled by a council of elected merchants, the economy is one of the most well-regulated and protected on Pathriam. The emphasis on commerce and trade ensures a stable and growing economic environment, which is expected to continue to flourish as long as peace with the Tritos Dominion is maintained.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Council of the Communal Republic. Also known as the Merchants' Council or CCR, this body consists of elected merchant representatives. Term limits and triennial elections prevent political stagnation. Their mission is to foster a government driven by commerce and free of monarchical control. They are influential figures not just in Serawa, but all throughout Pathriam.   Magistrate Mary Cole. A straightforward, honest, and exceptionally successful cotton farmer with limited political acumen. Running on a campaign of transparency and public cooperation, Mary has become an extremely popular magistrate who is nearing the end of her term limit.   Councilman Glenn Dannick. An airship manufacturer who is largely indifferent to politics and money, engineering consumes his full attention. Glenn trusts and often defers to his longtime companion, Commander Daniel Zelensky, on matters of state and voting. While some citizens are concerned by his lack of focus on politics, others consider him a brilliant savant. His orcish heritage and devoted belief in Dona reflect his upbringing in Ugarth.   Commander Daniel Zelensky. Captain of Serawa's airship forces and tenured veteran. Daniel understands the conflict with the Tritos Dominion has only just begun, and believing the war will be won in the skies, has been lobbying hard for Councilman Glenn Dannick to become the new magistrate. Commander Daniel seeks to increase the air capabilities of the nation using Councilman Dannick as the driving force behind the initiative.   Councilman Hakloch Ghazta. A volgul and former prisoner of Forhold, Hakloch utilized his connections and wealth to form the Condor Legion, a mercenary band mainly composed of Forhold Prison former inmates. The legion quickly grew, eventually seizing control of a city and earning a seat on the Merchants' Council. They are fiercely nationalistic but expect compensation for their services. Hakloch is an intelligent man bent on rising to the top, filling his pockets as he does so. Those beneath him are inspired by his fervor, and appear willing to follow him in any venture.   Condor Legion. An expansive mercenary band populated mostly by ex-criminals. Their effectiveness in combat and willingness to undertake risky operations have made them an asset, albeit a costly one, to the nation's security efforts. The legion holds a complex reputation; while some view them as necessary for the country's defense, others question the ethics of employing a force with such a checkered past. Despite this, they remain an influential power, having seized control of the city of Forhold and gained representation on the Merchants' Council.   The Sovereign Sage. Situated in the southern reaches of Serawa is the Sovereign Spire, where the current Sovereign Sage, Malik Kincaid, resides. While typically aloof from the politics of any individual nation, the Sage's mere presence in Serawa acts as a powerful deterrent to would-be aggressors. As the balancer of the Covenant, the Sage maintains the delicate relationship between dragons and mortals. The role recently transitioned from its longest-serving occupant, Harvie "Deadeyes", to Malik Kincaid. Since the unsettling events in Erimata, the dragon homeland, the Sage has been conspicuously absent from Serawa, engrossed in matters of global significance.  

Current Events

Border Disputes. The nation finds itself at a pivotal moment, with several pressing issues dominating the public discourse. Tensions and border disputes with both Frijring and the Tritos Dominion remain a constant concern, often becoming the main topic of conversation among citizens.   Arcane Surge. An influx of magical wares has been brought into Serawa, much of it channeled to reinforce the border forts. This has led to speculation about the potential escalation of conflicts and the role of magic in future engagements.   Political Shift. With Magistrate Mary Cole nearing the end of her term, internal politics among the Merchants' Council members are reaching a boiling point. The upcoming elections promise to be a closely watched event, potentially reshaping the nation's governance.   Dragon Activity. An unusual increase in dragon sightings has been reported in southern Serawa. While the exact implications are not yet clear, the phenomenon has led to a heightened sense of alertness and concern among the populace.   Airship Standstill. Following a series of heavy attacks, all flights between Erindor and Serawa have been grounded. The suspension has had immediate economic implications and is raising questions about the nation's security measures. No eye witnesses have been able to confirm what has attacked the ships.


  • Serawa
    The country of Serawa.
Country of Serawa

Serawa Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capital: Kol   Elien, Forhold, Grayspine, Innoc, Lum, Mavivien
Natural Landmarks   Brigand's Woods, Carmyrddin Forest, Chayarrow Peaks, Chayarrow River, Crown River, Iron Hills, Shelter Lake, Slatetop Mountains, Vivi's Woods, Yarrow Run, Yarrow Valley
Points of Interest   The Aura Gate, The Border Forts, Clifftop Watch, The Fallen, The Sovereign Spire

Serawa Mission Statement
"A land free of monarchy, ruled by the people, with the strength to maintain and persevere."
Serawa Goals
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Establish a working and proper government that presides over the nation with honor and diligence.
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Focus on education, fighting poverty, and maintain basic freedoms.

General Governance
  Governance in Serawa operates under the Council of the Communal Republic, composed of elected merchant representatives. Following the traditional Sorona Upiryrial court system, the council aims to maintain a lawful and orderly society. The legal framework is strict and exacting, with punishments often being severe. This is especially true for residents of the Tritos Dominion, who must obtain a specific entry permit called a "Dominion Writ" to enter Serawa. Prisons are in use, but execution for more severe offenses is not uncommon. Forced servitude and fines are not part of the penal system; instead, punishments are designed to serve as stern warnings to the community at large.
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Taking the life of another without justifiable cause.
Immediate execution upon proven guilt.  
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Illegal possession of someone else's property.
Incarceration for a period depending on the value of the stolen goods, with a maximum sentence of 20 years.  
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Magical Abuse.
Using magic to harm others or manipulate against their will.
Imprisonment in a magic-nullifying cell for a term not exceeding 15 years, or execution for extreme cases.  
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Land Abuse.
Illegal exploitation or degradation of land resources.
Revocation of land rights and transfer of said land to the state.  
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Military Abandonment.
Deserting one's post or duties within the armed forces.
Immediate execution or, in less severe cases, dishonorable discharge and lifetime ban from reenlistment.  
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Smuggling or possession of illegal goods.
Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.  
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Public Decorum.
Engaging in disruptive behavior or public nuisances such as excessive noise.
Isolation in a 'Silence Chamber' for a period not exceeding one week.  
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Dominion Writ Violation.
Violation of the terms of the Dominion Writ by a resident of the Tritos Dominion.
Immediate expulsion and lifetime ban from re-entry, with the permit publicly revoked.

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