
Venden, a nation of strategic alliances and agricultural innovation, is the heartland for food production in western Pathriam. Governed by a blend of democracy and external oversight, the country excels in agricultural advancements. Venden's strong alliance with Thorn influences its diplomatic relations, military strategy, and economic framework. While entangled in longstanding disputes, the country aspires to a future where its innovations could redefine food accessibility across the globe.  


Venden's borders are strategic fortifications, each tied to a neighboring land. The northern frontier is anchored by the Amber Ocean and shadowed by towering plateaus of the Thorn Territory. Monitored by the watchful eyes of Grainbelt Garrison and Odelian Watch, Cobalt Lake marks the western divide with Bohdan. The Tremblewood and rolling Dales form the contested eastern boundary with Cadmus. In the south, the border with allied Thorn is an open gateway for trade and travel.   The land itself offers an intriguing mix of natural wonders. The Quiet Hollow, a bewildering farmland at the country's core, swallows sound in a phenomenon ascribed to a bygone clash of gods. Cobalt Lake teems with magical fauna and elusive embers and Otherwylders. The Tremblewood and Dales, heavy in wildlife, have recently undergone ecological shifts following the death of a local dragon.   Climate in Venden belies its geographical position. Influenced by the neighboring Drosstemprus, a primal dragon in Cadmus, and augmented by weather-wielding wizards of the Odelian Order, the land enjoys a warmth that nurtures its agricultural prowess.


In the year 4,087 DA, Venden declared its independence, fortifying its own identity at a time when Thorn was embroiled in a conflict with Innex. This war crystallized the alliance between Venden and Thorn, a relationship that would prove to be enduring. Shortly after this alliance was formed, the Chapel of Truth was established. Governed by adherents to Sorona and under Upiryrial care, the chapel has served as an independent judicial system within the nation since its inception.   A significant shift occurred in 4,345 DA when the Sovereign Sage granted sovereignty to Cadmus, due to the presence of the primal dragon Drosstemprus. This change disrupted the once amicable sharing of resources, particularly concerning the Tremblewood and the Dales, and led to ongoing border disputes between Venden and Cadmus.   During the Demon War, while Thorn's capital of Blarek was devastated, Venden was mostly insulated from the global catastrophe. It faced only minor skirmishes and depended on its own robust defenses to maintain stability.  


Rooted in agricultural foundation, emphasized by a widespread devotion to Daruun, Venden thrives. This focus manifests in everyday life, from small-scale magical crafts to local food production. A typical Venden wardrobe consists of light cotton and shorts in muted colors, and usually a little dirt beneath the fingernails. The cuisine favors freshly harvested vegetables and grains, distributed freely across the country.   The Chapel of Truth operates independently from the state, adhering to the teachings of Sorona. The court holds the distinguished role of judgment and justice. Governed by Upiryrial care, this institution serves alongside the elected President to maintain rule. Venden is a quiet place, who value their leaders, and place faith in each other to prosper.  


The country enjoys a close and enduring alliance with Thorn, an association cemented over the course of multiple conflicts and shared interests. This partnership is so integral that Thorn troops are permitted to guard Venden's borders, specifically the northern and southern frontiers. The alliance has led to exclusive trade agreements, particularly favoring the exchange of resources for military protection.   However, Venden's relationships with its other neighbors are more strained. With Bohdan, tensions run high, especially along the Cobalt Lake border. The absence of a Thorn alliance on Bohdan's side escalates these tensions, with the Grainbelt Garrison and Odelian Watch maintaining a vigilant presence. Similarly, on the eastern border with Cadmus, things are increasingly complicated due to disputes over resource-rich regions. These conflicts often intersect with Cadmus's sovereignty and the presence of the primal fire dragon Drosstemprus.   While Venden's internal culture values peace and community, its external relationships are defined by strategic alliances and geographic location. Its diplomatic design is a careful balancing act, maintained through Thorn's military vigilance.  


Venden's economy is intrinsically tied to its agricultural prowess, making it a vital player in the crop trade of Pathriam. The land's abundant natural resources, coupled with a climate manipulated for optimal growing conditions, have paved the way for a thriving agricultural sector. A network of local farmers and skilled magic-users ensures that the nation's fields yield a diverse range of crops, from staple grains to specialized magical herbs and plants.   The alliance with Thorn offers Venden a unique economic advantage, a closed-loop trade system that prioritizes resource exchange for military protection. This partnership bolsters the economy and serves as a strategic move to secure the border. Despite the abundance of resources, Venden exercises caution in its trade policies, limiting exports mostly to Thorn and the northern Thorn Territory, retaining its most precious commodities within its borders.   The nation's economic stability is further fortified by the Chapel of Truth's governance in legal matters, which extends to overseeing fair trade practices and ensuring ethical distribution of resources. Overall, Venden's economic model is one of self-sufficiency and calculated alliances, emphasizing sustainability and long-term growth over quick profits.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

  President Elena Bartovski. A halfling of considerable political acumen, Elena Bartovski was elected for her strict border laws and focus on trade relations, primarily with Thorn. Her policies have made Venden a prosperous nation but have soured relationships with Bohdan and Cadmus. Elena's chief concern is territorial integrity, leading her to fortify the nation's borders, a move that ensures safety but gives the impression of a police state to outsiders.   Judges of Truth. Comprising three Upiryrial judges, this body serves under the Chapel of Truth and adheres to the teachings of Sorona. Each judge has a specialized jurisdiction: one for internal matters, one for external matters, and one focusing on relations with the Odelian Order and Thorn. They travel across Venden to preside over various cases, embodying a unique standard of justice and fairness.   Cropmaster Jetty Blue. Jetty Blue is an elected ember farmer and elder teacher devoted to Daruun, the god of agriculture. She oversees Venden's extensive crop production, ensuring food security for the nation. Beyond her official duties, Jetty travels throughout Venden to lead study groups, aiming to imbue the next generation with Daruun's teachings.   Odelian Order. Originating from Thorn, the Odelian Order in Venden focuses on both magical and strategic defense, with a particular emphasis on climate manipulation for optimal agriculture. With members skilled in conjuration and elemental magic, they serve as an instrumental part of Venden's military presence. While their primary concern is safeguarding Venden's borders, they also play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate ecological balance, further solidifying the alliance between Venden and Thorn.   Educator Tyson Hendricks "The Burning Battalion". A wizard of the Odelian Order, Tyson Hendricks leads the formidable "Burning Battalion." Known for his strategic brilliance, Tyson specializes in deploying conjured beings like fey, constructs, and elementals. His tactical deployments have turned the tide in numerous conflicts and play a significant role in sustaining Thorn's interest in their alliance with Venden.  

Current Events

Border Disputes with Cadmus. A conflict simmers over control of the Tremblewoods and the Dales, lands rich in natural resources. Diplomatic relations with Cadmus remain taut as neither side shows willingness to compromise. Klaxon Threshers have been released into the Venden region of the woods causing harvesting to cease.   Tensions over Cobalt Lake. Venden's claim to Cobalt Lake is a point of contention. The lake's rich magical ecosystem makes it a valuable asset, escalating the stakes in this territorial dispute. Currently Venden has given permission for a Covenant aligned dragon to stay in the waters, causing alarm within Bohdan.   The Leyman Trial. A local ember youth from Leyman, Iggy 'The Hangman' Grip, recently celebrated as a Rockfall champion, is now embroiled in a murder trial. Accused of killing his fiancée and her alleged lover, the case baffles investigators as conventional magical inquiry yields no answers, capturing the territory's attention.


  • Venden
    The country of Venden.
Country of Venden

Venden Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: Leyman   Astan, Ballo, Bell, Bublorn, Bullhorn, Dale

Natural Landmarks
The Bolt, Cobalt Lake, The Dales, Fox River, The String, The Tass, The Tremblewood

Points of Interest
Chapel of Truth, Fort Cole, The Grainbelt Garrison, The Growing Providence, Odelian Watch, The Quiet Hollow

Venden Mission Statement
"A prosperous democratic nation committed to the welfare of its citizens, security at its borders, and providing food for all."
Venden Goals
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Maintain the strength and mutual benefits of the alliance with Thorn.
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Ensure responsible use and control of weather magic for agricultural stability, while minimizing ecological impact.
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Develop and share sustainable agricultural technology to make food universally accessible.

General Governance
  Venden operates as a democracy with a presidential election cycle every six years. As the next election looms just a year away, political activity within the country has intensified. Representation is divided among nine counties, each electing their own spokespeople to advocate for local needs.   In addition to elected representatives, individuals are chosen to oversee the specific sectors of agriculture and food distribution, education, taxation and finance, arcane affairs, and religious affairs. Many of these officials collaborate closely with the Odelian Order to ensure that policies align with both mundane and magical considerations across both countries.   The legal framework of Venden is unique, with the Upiryrial Court at the Chapel of Truth handling all matters of law independently. Policing is executed through a cooperative effort between the Thorn military and the Odelian Order, who maintain border security, and the Peace Officers, an arm of the Chapel who serve both as travelers and stationed forces within the counties.
Local Laws
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Border Security.
Unauthorized crossing into Venden from Bohdan is strictly prohibited.
Violators are subject to immediate detention and may face severe legal repercussions, including imprisonment.
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Regulated Goods.
All goods entering Venden from Bohdan are subject to stringent inspection and regulation.
Trafficking unapproved items results in confiscation of the goods and potential criminal charges.
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Magic Regulation.
Use of magic in public spaces and agricultural areas must adhere to guidelines set by both local authorities and the Odelian Order.
Unauthorized use of magic can lead to penalties ranging from fines to revocation of magical privileges.

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