
Zan'deil is a land steeped in ageless mystery, the birthplace of Dromaria's first civilizations. Now, it serves as a home to barbarian clans and secretive elvenari societies. The continent also hosts Kalatearman, a sanctuary city for mankind, off-limits to dragons and ruled by the venerable One-Eyed King, Galvani Aldini. A place of paradox and oddities, the towns of Zan'deil evoke an unsettling sense of wonder, as if each one were a shadowy echo of stories best left untold.  


Located in southern Dromaria, Zan'deil is an untamed island continent with diverse landscapes. From arid plains and towering mountains to dense jungles, the land experiences extreme weather patterns: sweltering summers, flood-prone springs, and harsh winters. Plant and animal life that no longer exist are said to still be found thriving on Zan'deil largely at the expense of the land's struggling citizens.


Once the battleground of a war against dragons, Zan'deil's landscape is dotted with forgotten relics and primeval histories. The recent resurgence of the ancestral guardian, Seveth Van Dem, has reignited interest in this old land. Kalatearman, originally a vessel for the first settlers, has evolved into a fortified city under the eternal watch of Galvani, safeguarded by advanced machinery and a massive wall known as the King's Bulwark.   Much of the history of Zan'deil has been collected and disseminated, used as the basis for religions and coveted by those seeking the Path of the Ancestors.
Continent of Zan'deil
Zan'deil Base Map Image

  Zan'deil is a continent with two regions that could be considered official territories. The remainder of the land is under no formal rule.  
Natural Landmarks
Basidio Thicket, Bashtoi Oasis, Bastard's Bog, The Blackwood, Bloody Reef, Clear River, Feral Steppes, Godswept Peaks, Lake Oho, Lake of Omens, Madagot River, Mount Drueallen, Nested Cliffs, Prophetic Gates, The River Kurtz, The River Wye, The River Wyld, Savage Waters, Sawney Hills, Summit Lake, Sun-Baked Plains, Tempered Grove, Thurknot Caldera, Urspring Jungle, The Windfalls

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