Evangeline Calyrion Character in Drünir | World Anvil

Evangeline Calyrion

Evangeline Calyrion

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the heart of Sylvaria, the great house of Calyrion stood as a shining beacon of magic and science, all thanks to the tireless efforts of its noble patriarch, Lord Amordor. As the high arbiter of both magic and science, Lord Amordor dedicated his life to the betterment of his city, generously donating to numerous institutions of learning and leisure. One day, fate brought a destitute half-drow orphan named Evangeline to his doorstep. Seeing an opportunity to give back to his community, Lord Amordor took her in as his ward, educating her in the finest Sylvarian schools as per the tradition of the Calyrion house. Despite the disdain of high society for half-elf/half-drow offspring, Lord Amordor was hailed as a hero for his generosity and kindness. Rumors of abuse against Evangeline circulated among the servants and low-people of Sylvaria, but these were nothing but treacherous slander meant to besmirch the reputation of the great house of Calyrion. Lord Amordor and Lady Ithilwen, his wife, cared deeply for their ward and treated her like their own daughter. While they couldn't fully integrate her into the family due to societal expectations, they included her in gatherings and events as appropriate. Evangeline graduated from university and began working as an assistant in Lord Amordor's laboratory. However, despite the education and opportunities afforded to her, Evangeline's ambition got the better of her. She became obsessed with obtaining Lord Amordor's coveted research, which held the key to unlocking her own magical potential. When Evangeline attempted to steal Lord Amordor's research and caused damage to the Calyrion manor in the process, she betrayed the trust and generosity of her guardians. Lord Amordor was devastated, publicly announcing that Evangeline had turned against the Calyrion family and fled Sylvaria in disgrace. Yet, whispers linger in the shadows of Sylvaria, casting doubt on the story that is meant to be believed, for the truth behind the disappearance of Evangeline may be far more sinister than anyone could have imagined. Evangeline was not an orphan, nor a half-drow with unknown parents. She was the biological, first-born daughter of Lord Amordor - a fact that, for the first ten years of her life, was kept hidden from her. Conceived after a ruinous tryst between Lord Amordor and an unnamed servant in his household, Evangeline was forced to bear the weight of this shameful secret alone. Her greatest wish was to please her father, to win his respect and love. But he showed her nothing but cold disdain and indifference, and Evangeline was left to toil endlessly in the hope of proving her worth to the family. She threw herself into her studies, pushing far past her limits in an attempt to win her father's favor. Finally, after years of toil, her father offered her a chance to assist him on a new project he was embarking on with a mysterious gnomish man named Duvitt from a faraway land. The project was focused on developing a new branch of magic, omnimancy, and the synthesis of an experimental and highly-temperamental substance called Accule. For the first time in her life, her father showed a modicum of interest in her. And so, she worked long hours on the project, hoping to prove her worth and gain her father's approval. But unbeknownst to her, she was being set up like a lamb to slaughter. On that fateful night, Lord Amordor revealed his true intentions for his daughter. The Accule was still extremely volatile and early test runs using live specimens had gone horribly wrong. However, her father and Duvitt wanted results, and a new synthesis of the Accule compound needed to be tested on a humanoid specimen to test its efficacy. Evangeline was ripped from her bed in the middle of the night and brought to the secret laboratory where the bulk of their research was done. There, she was strapped to a metal operating table and injected with the volatile material. Her screams for help fell on deaf ears as her father and Duvitt explored the effects of Accule and how the magical properties of omnimancy could be used to manipulate and strengthen its effects. The tests continued, the Accule leaving strange markings under her skin, until ultimately Evangeline succumbed to its effects. Lord Amordor got what he wanted. In his pursuit for scientific discovery, he had gotten rid of the biggest mistake of his life and was free of its shame. But Duvitt had other ideas, and his experiments were far from over. Using some unknown form of necromantic omnimancy, he restored Evangeline back to life. However, her soul was already on its journey to the afterlife and the stress of retrieving it from beyond ripped it into pieces. Some of the pieces were able to complete their journey to the great beyond, but several still reside within the body of Evangeline, whispering to her. The magic that was used to bring Evangeline back was too great and destroyed the laboratory. Disgusted and furious, Lord Amordor locked the weakened Evangeline away in an asylum far from Sylvaria, where she resided for the next 146 years, never aging. Her only company were the whispers of her own fractured mind, the agonizing memories of the experiments that had destroyed her, and the notebook she managed to take from the laboratory detailing the horrors inflicted upon her.


The Sylvaria Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences
Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusky lavender
5' 10"

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Journal Entry’s title

I stopped writing in this journal. I don't know why, I just didn't have much to say. There've been times where the shouting in my head has reached such an intense fever pitch that I think my skull might split in two. I don't know who I am supposed to be anymore. WHO WHO WHO WHO??? WHO ARE YOU? LIAR LIAR. YOU HIDE BEHIND A FACADE. YOU HIDE BEHIND A FALLACY. YOU ARE A MONSTER. YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION.  

Xodarap Paradox

ive felt like i've been in a daze for the past day or so. cant really remember what we did or who we talked. Sometimes that happens, sometimes i just need to embrace the continuous waking nightmare that festers into the back of my head in order for it to be placated. its always so so lonely when i do that. nothing can reach me, im just adrift in an endless abyss of agony and misery. But its okay, I came out of it!!!!! I came back to myself in an interesting situation, apparently Deimos and I had gotten yanked by some sort of shadow demon or something. idk why we were hunting a shadow demon, but everyone else seemed on board so I just sort of went with it :))). Anyway took a while for us to escape. Brave, sweet little Carrion helped us out. im so so proud of him. Deimos got his ass kicked by some rats LOL   I wish he didnt hate my very existence. He talks so much about having a pure soul, but I wonder about that.... After the fall from grace, after dozens and dozens of lifetimes of pain and suffering, how is it possible that is soul is still perfectly intact?? it just doesnt make sense. Yeah maybe theyre not shattered into a bajillion pieces, but i bet there are cracks. He's too emo to NOT have something wrong with his soul. maybe i should think on this more. i dont know, i've wanted to talk to my soul shards or whatever the voices are, but theyve been so quiet. i miss them ):   anyway we killed that shadow demon and stopped some demon called paradox from escaping, through the power of teamwork and friendship ::))))))))))))) ummmmm what else happened. oh there was this like gnome girl??? she wants our money, i say we kill her but people liked her. oh i went unconscious during the fight, but its really hard for me to die so :) :P we're going to a brothel now and then on to Pentaraeeeeeeeeee. i better get my materials back. ill fucking kill that guy.   ok bye lol

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

22nd of Ardorus, 774

BASTARD!!!!!!!! I'LL STRIP THE FLESH FROM HIS BONES. I'LL TURN HIS SKIN INTO LEATHER. DAMN HIM DAMN HIM DAMN HIM. I NEED IT. I NEED IT BACK, I HAVE TO HAVE IT. I'LL RAIZE THAT MISERABLE LITTLE HAMLET. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? I WILL RIP HIS SOUL INTO PIECES AND SCATTER THEM ACROSS ALL THE PLANES. One of the cops took one of those discs of energy I was studying :((((((((((( I think he's trying to extort me to do an errand for him. If I drop off this silly little message for him then he said he was going to give only one back! I need it for research. GIVE IT BACK GIVE IT BACK, DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.   When I was studying last night I found a new page in my spellbook.... It was dated for just 8 months ago. How is that possible? I know everything that was in that book. I've memorized every page, know the feel of all of the indentations made by the quill when it was written. How??? HOW???? WHY ARE YOU TAUNTING ME. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME? PLEASE PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR MIND. LET ME CRACK OPEN YOUR SKULL AND SEE WHATS IN THERE. PLEASE FATHER, PLEASE SHOW ME WHAT YOU WANT. PLEASE, PLEASE. ALL I WANTED WAS TO LEARN FROM YOU, PLEASE I WORKED SO HARD TO PLEASE YOU. PLEASE JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO--,,,,,, DAMN YOU, MY WRETCHED TORMENTOR. MY CREATOR, MY DESTROYER. I WANT TO CUT YOU AND SEE MY BLOOD RUN FROM YOUR VEINS. YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO KNOW. YOU ARE LESS THAN THE GROUND I WALK ON.. My souls ache to unravel this mystery.   Got into a bar fight. Was fun, but Deimos was mean to me because I almost killed someone. (Lame). Deimos is a pain in the ass. He hates me, which I don't really understand?? But he was sort of neutral to me when I was studying last night. He seems interested in my work. THE WRETCHED FALLEN ANGEL HAS BECOME A MALIGNANT DEVIL. I guess he's probably still upset about the Arhtist thing. Still trying to come to terms about feeling remorse about it. I think I've started to understand the basics. I struggle though, because it was such a kind death??? and dear old dad only killed one of us, so thats really good! He even spared most of the lesser beings :)) Oh wait. I think that's not something to be grateful about. Hmmmm remorse is tricky. Okay okay so, I am sad and remorseful that Arhtist died because it's sad and even though he got an easy death, it's still sad because he had a life and friends and family, and I care because all life is important (?). and my dad is evil because.... he kills people? no... can't just be that, lots of people kill people. Because he... experiments on people?? How is the research going to get done?? No, no. Experimenting on people is bad. Remember the pain, remember what they did. SWEET MOURNING LAMB, PROMISED TO ME BY A MAN WHO CAN ONLY FEEL HATRED AND CONTEMPT TOWARDS YOU   Anyway, Deimos stabbed me with a spear :( bitch. I think Cass and the others like me tho ::DDDDDD))))) :D :)))))))) I wanna talk to Deimos. Maybe if I just talk to him I can understand why he hates me so much. I know he hates undead, but I still have SOME pieces of my soul. The little gods he used to serve couldn't even save my entire soul from the wrath of the funny little man. Maybe he'll like me more if he knows I am trying to learn how to be a compassionate person again.   Apparently it's weird that I hear my little soul guides in my head :) I like it best when momma comes and talks to me for a while. She's much nicer than daddy or the funny man....   On a cart to Pentarae!!!!!!!!!11!!!! exciting :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Friendship :)))
20th of Ardorus, 774

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH I have friends!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))) What a truly amazing night it was!!!!!!11!! Ryvec and Cass, dear friends in a realm of uncertainty, spoke words of camaraderie and friendship that warmed my heart. THEY WILL LEAVE YOU, THEY WILL HURT YOU. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME. DONT TRUST THEM, CUT THEM FROM YOU BEFORE THEY CAN CUT YOU. Maybe I should make friendship bracelets for us!!!!!1 Though I guess the cage on our wrist is like a friendship bracelet :DDDDDD hehehehehehe This is the first time someone has said I am their friend. THEIR TONES CONVEYED APPREHENSION, THEY FEAR WHAT YOU ARE, HATE YOUR VERY NATURE. YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION THEY MUST DESTROY. Maybe if the rest of the group sees that we're friends, the others will like me too!!!!!!!!111!!!@ :)))))))))))))))   Cass is very wise. I was so confused why they cared so much about Arhtist, but they explained that it's normal to care for even lesser beings when they die!!!!!!!!!! Very cool to learn about, apparently compassion can extend even to strangers!!!!!11!! DOES A MAN WEEP FOR THE GRASS THAT THEY HAVE TREAD UPON? WHY SHOULD A GREATER BEING CARE FOR THE LIVES OF THE EXPENDABLE. DOES THE APPLE ON THE TREE CRY WHEN ITS NEIGHBOR IS PICKED?? WHY SHOULD A LESSER BEING MOURN ANOTHER FATES WHEN THEY WILL FACE THE SAME SOON ENOUGH. It reminded me of when I held Carrion as he died. I felt a pain that I don't know if I've ever experienced before......,,. maybe I have, before is just so fuzzy. But now I have my little psychopomp :))))))))00). He's my real best friend!!!!!!11!!@@!@#!!!!!q   We made it to that town. We have no money, so we all split up and went to find odd jobs :))DDDD)))D)DDD). I Went with my good friends Armen and Zurek :D :) :D) (: they haven't said that I'm their friend, bUT maybe sooN!!!!!!!!!!! Armen has some issues!!!! I wonder if dad experimented on him lololololol. he says he didn't ! I wonder why ?!?! He has some funky magic......,. HIS BLOOD MUST BE SPILLED, HE WILL DESTROY YOU. Zurek is so nice and talented. I hope he likes me some!!!!!1!! KILL THE WEAKLING.   We met a handler for the Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!7 They were cool I guess. people got mad that Iw asnt sneaky but they didnt tell me to be~!!!~!! we got to sit around the fire and talk :) ;D BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM BURN THEM. they felt my heart beat!!!!!!!!!1!!~ They also know my real age hehehehehehehehehehehehe maybe this year I'll get a birthday cake :D   Deimos >:(((((((((((( he wants me destroyed :'(((( i still have pieces of my soul so thats not cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duncan, Doncan, & Dunkin

The goblin, cunning guide or puppeteer, twirls us in a macabre dance through the serpentine sewers. Why? What nefarious game does he revel in?   UPPER SEWERS, DRAWBRIDGES, A TAINTED SPIDER'S WEB OF CONFUSION. The labyrinth, a swirling vortex of chaos, mirroring our tormented journey.   Deimos, the angelic figure, a tormentor, an accuser, a prosecutor of my abominable existence. THE HOLY, SO MISGUIDED. WHY CHASE ME, NOT THE CREATOR? DAMN THEM DAMN THEM DAMN THEM DAMN THEM.I SEEK SALVATION NOT DAMNATION   EMERGING FROM THE SEWERS, INTO THE NIGHT'S VICIOUS EMBRACE. Freedom, a venomous elixir, bitter and sweet.   EVERYONE DESPISES ME, EXCEPT PERHAPS ARMEN. Suspicion cloaks me, strangling like a shroud, the wretched offspring of loneliness.   CAMPING AT NIGHT, ARMEN, LIARA, AND I, HUNTING RABBITS FOR OUR MEAGER FEAST. Companionship, a fleeting glow in this tapestry of madness.   We encountered a man, Duncan Wallace, or was it Duncan, Duncan, and Dunkin? THEIR NAME, A TORTURED MELODY OF INSANITY, WHISPERING IN THE SHADOWS. A stranger adrift in a sea of enigma.   THEY HATE ME, THEIR LOATHING A SAVAGE FLAME, FEROCIOUS IN ITS CONSUMPTION OF THE FALLEN. I ponder, why this relentless obsession of the lesser fallen? WE ARE WORTHLESS, WE ARE FLEETING, WE ARE TEMPORARY? WHO AMONG THEM MOURNS AS THEY TROD UPON THE GRASS THAT IS BENEATH THEIR FEET?   Their sorrow for someone they did not know makes me think of Carrion. My psychopomp, my spirit guide. I held him, I felt his pain, I eased his suffering, I... mourned? FATHER SAYS YOU CANNOT MOURN THE LIVES OF THE FLEETING, OR YOU WILL BE DOOMED TO ETERNAL SORROW. How do I care? I hear Arhtist in my head sometimes. That tricky fragment morphing into his voice. I DONT UNDERSTAND. I WANT TO UNDERSTAND. BRING ME MEANING, BRING ME SUFFERING, BRING ME SORROW SO THAT I MAY UNDERSTAND.   CASS' MIRROR, A REFLECTION OF TRUTH, THEIR DREAD DEEPENING BECAUSE OF ME. A sinister revelation, a cascade of horror. PLEASE DON'T FEAR THE REVENANT. I BEG FOR UNDERSTANDING.   FIRST WATCH, YET MY GAZE PERVADES THEM FROM MY BEDROLL. THEY CANNOT FEEL MY EYES ON THEM, BUT THEY CANNOT ELUDE MY UNRELENTING OBSERVANCE. The night, a never-ending spiral of madness, a dance with lunacy and paranoia.

19th of Ardorus, 994

FIRE ELEMENTAL! A LIVING INFERNO, BLAZING AND WILD! Armen, poor Armen, devoured by the flames, yet his magic, it's an enigma, imbuing him with fleeting strength. WHAT IS HE   DEIMOS, THE FALLEN ANGEL WITH A BROKEN HALO AND SKELETAL WINGS. His celestial descent, a reminder of his past glory, now shrouded in darkness.   Ryvec, ever the flirt, but those eyes...so penetrating, as if they're unraveling my very soul.   THEY THINK I EAT PEOPLE, BUT DO I? AM I TRULY A MONSTER? Doubts gnaw at my mind like a relentless hunger, and the voices, oh, the voices, they've grown louder since joining this group, a constant cacophony, a never-ending roar.   Zurek, our vigilant scout, vanishing into the shadows of the labyrinthine sewers.   Cass, fearless yet stupid, they ventured recklessly into those poisonous mushrooms. FOOL FOOL FOOL   SYL VARIAN DECKER MUSHROOMS, TOXIC BEAUTY SWIRLING WITH GREEN. A dangerous allure, a dance with peril beneath the ground.   The Blushing Stinkhorn, its scent, overpowering, a discordant note in this subterranean symphony.   CAPTURED BY GOBLINS AND THEIR HOBGOBLIN LEADER, TIZ'DERE. Our destiny now entwined with another quest, subtlety forsaken for the demands of others. PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME   Deimos, the angel bleeding gold, a living paradox, a celestial enigma. What must that blood taste like? SALVATION   THE THREE VOICES, A CONSTANT ROAR, INCESSANT AND INSATIABLE. They've made the others wary, suspicious of my sanity, and it's hard to think clearly amidst the unending chaos in my mind. QUIET! MAKE IT STOP, IVE HAD ENOUGH   WE RESCUED ZUREK, ESCAPED THE SEWERS, AND HOPE GLIMMERS FOR FREEDOM FROM THESE ACCURSED DEVICES UPON OUR WRISTS. Yet amidst the turmoil, doubts clash like thunder, casting shadows upon our path, and the voices, they never cease, they never relent.

Escape from Calyrion Manor
19th of Ardorus, 774

ESCAPING THE CELL IN THE BASEMENT OF MY CREATOR'S MADNESS.   Ryvec, always silent, always lurking, our path to freedom. HE MOVES LIKE A SHADOW, UNSEEN AND UNKNOWN.   Liara, shifting into beasts, unnatural and wild. Cass, with her eldritch power, dark and mysterious. THEY DON'T TRUST ME, I CAN SEE IT IN THEIR EYES, HEAR IT IN THEIR VOICES.   DOWN THE TWISTING SLOPE, DEEPER INTO THE MAW OF THIS DAMNED CITY.   Xurek, with his songs and tales, a mask of mirth hiding secrets untold. I CAN'T BLAME THEM, MY OWN MASK, MY OWN LIES.   Deimos, the holy knight, his faith unwavering, the only one who knows my truth. Armen, the sorcerer, sparks and fire dancing from his fingertips. THEY THINK I'M STRANGE, OFF-PUTTING, A MONSTER IN DISGUISE.   A CAVERN, HAUNTED AND COLD, THE AIR HEAVY WITH FEAR.   Undead constructs, twisted and grotesque, their moans and clattering limbs a symphony of horror. WE FOUGHT, BLOOD AND SWEAT AND FEAR.   But in the midst of that darkness, a sculpture, an elven man in armor, a mystery unsolved. HIS EYES, SOULLESS AND EMPTY, JUST LIKE MINE?   WE PUSH ON, SEARCHING FOR THE SEWER, OUR ESCAPE FROM THIS LIVING NIGHTMARE.   THEY WATCH ME STILL, THEIR SUSPICION UNWAVERING, MY STRANGENESS A CONSTANT WEIGHT.   But we must go on, we must find our way out, for the past is a ghost that haunts me, and the future remains uncertain. 

That Damned Angel
19th of Ardorus, 774

He's relentless, that wretched angelic creature, with his holy light and piercing gaze. He's like a beacon of purity, and he's after me, relentlessly. **BUT I WON'T LET HIM WIN. I WON'T LET HIM UNCOVER MY TRUE NATURE.**   **THERE HE IS AGAIN, THAT AASIMAR. HE'S CLOSING IN ON ME. HIS EYES, THEY SEE RIGHT THROUGH ME, PIERCING MY SOUL.**   But in the midst of this chaos and fear, there's a glimmer of something else. A memory, perhaps. **I REMEMBER THE WARMTH OF THE SUN ON MY SKIN, THE SOUND OF LAUGHTER, AND THE TASTE OF SWEET ICE CREAM ON A HOT SUMMER DAY.**   That Aasimar, he's determined, unyielding. **HE'S LIKE A RAY OF HOPE IN THIS DARKNESS, A BASTION OF LIGHT AMIDST MY DESPAIR.**   My heart aches with longing. **I WANT TO EMBRACE THAT LIGHT, TO FIND SALVATION IN THE MIDST OF THIS MADNESS.**   But he knows, he knows what I am, and he won't stop until he's caught me. **HE'S GAINING ON ME, AND I CAN FEEL HIS DIVINE ENERGY CLOSING IN.**   **BUT FOR A BRIEF MOMENT, I CAN'T HELP BUT SMILE, REMEMBERING THOSE BRIGHT DAYS OF INNOCENCE AND JOY.**   The irony, though, is that he despises creatures like me. **HIS DISGUST FOR UNDEAD IS PALPABLE, HIS SUSPICION OF ME EVIDENT IN HIS EYES.**   I WISH THINGS COULD BE DIFFERENT, THAT HE COULD SEE PAST WHAT I AM AND UNDERSTAND THE STRUGGLE WITHIN.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
18th of Ardorus, 774

Whispers in the shadows... a gathering of damned souls amidst the ceaseless downpour. The darkened woods played host to our eerie reunion, a gathering of wicked souls bound by the sinister threads of the Syndicate. Oh, how our code names echoed through the damp air: Spooks (I AM SPOOKS, YES, I AM, A WHISPER IN THE ABYSS, THEY CALL ME), Gloves, Arhtist, Crow, Ivy, V, and Knock. A disparate assembly of madness, cloaked in secrecy, manipulated like marionettes by the Syndicate's cruel hand.   The mission, they told us, was a descent into madness itself - Slyvaria, my forsaken hometown, its name whispered with dread and despair. There, ensconced within an abhorrent mansion, secrets and accursed relics awaited. My memory of the place, tinged with madness, faded like fleeting phantasms in the rain.   Rain fell relentlessly, each drop a cacophonous reminder of the night's dread. We gathered in that forsaken clearing, soaked and tainted by the relentless downpour. The Syndicate, the puppeteer, had drawn us into their nightmarish theater.   Our pilgrimage led us to the mansion, which, beneath the mask of rain, bared its teeth in a wicked grin. A revelation - my father's home.. Slyvaria had evolved, mutated, and the mansion had become a mockery of my memories.   We embarked on our descent into the abyss, ghosts of our former selves, our existence concealed from the eyes of spectral sentinels. We fragmented, our twisted minds leading us down different paths. The master bedroom whispered my name (OH, HOW IT WHISPERED, LIKE THE CACKLING OF FORGOTTEN GHOSTS, THEY BECKON), and there, in the shadows, a hidden chamber beckoned.   In that loathsome room, a maelstrom of memories and madness intertwined, and I unearthed documents. Fragments of the Syndicate's mission intertwined with my shattered past, incoherent and sinister (THE RAMBLINGS OF A LUNATIC, THEY NEVER STOP).   The other half of our lunatic troupe delved deeper, seeking my father's study. But the mansion, sentient and malevolent, unleashed its horrors. Poisonous gas, swirling in maddening patterns (THE DELIRIUM OF A FEVERED DREAM, THEY LAUGH), engulfed us all.   Consciousness returned in fragments, and there they stood - my estranged father and the wicked stepmother, their faces ravaged by time and malevolence. I hadn't glimpsed their wretched visages in an eternity, and the reunion, oh, the reunion, was beyond sanity's grasp.   My father, a savior and tormentor (PRAISE THE TWISTED PARADOX), stood at the intersection of my sanity. His voice, both haunting and soothing, whispered secrets and incantations that curled like serpents within my mind (A SERENADE OF MADNESS, THEY SING). He was the shadow that danced on the precipice of my soul, luring me into abyssal depths.   They sought to teach me a lesson, an unsettling revelation that I was the star of their sinister play, the mad protagonist of their wicked narrative (A DREAM AND NIGHTMARE UNFOLDING). In their sadistic theatre, they made Arhtist a sacrifice, a horrifying crescendo in my descent into the abyss. Arhtist, once among us, obliterated before my eyes, atomized by a spell born of the damned (SUCH SWEET TWISTED FINALE).   The world crumbled, and my fractured psyche cackled in the darkness (LAUGHTER AND DESPAIR ENTWINED, THEY REVEL). The past and present, entwined in madness, beckoned me forward. Secrets, draped in a miasma of torment (LIKE THE SCREAMS OF THE FORESAKEN, THEY ECHO), revealed themselves through the rain-soaked haze.   For sanity has abandoned me, and I embrace the madness, they command.  
  • Spooks
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