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The Planes of Existance

There are eight greater planes of existence. Three outer planes, three inner planes, Fortuna, The Central Plane and the Shifting Seas. Each is represented by a god. Some of the gods are hands-on in their domain, taking direct control, others prefer to leave others in charge, focusing their efforts elsewhere.   Fortuna, the plane of the goddess of Chaos, Luck and Deception is the central plane. All other planes circle this one, and many take an interest in it one way or another.   Fortuna is separated from the other planes by the Shifting Seas, the domain of the goddess of Moon, Seas and Trade. The shifting seas takes the form of a literal sea around the continents of Fortuna, which can be sailed into, but only those adept in vast magical and universal knowledge know how to traverse the Shifting Seas to access the other planes. Great creatures like Krakens and Megalodons may be found roaming these seas, and a legendary Parrot-Aaracokra [pirate] captain does his best to protect those who were unwise enough to set sail without taking the proper precautions... but only offering his services at a steep cost.   The three inner planes held within the Shifting Seas are the plane of Ignis, domain of the god of the sun, passion and creation, the plane of Ice, domain of the god of ice, law and order, and the plane of lighting, domain of the god of storm, lightning and war. When travelling here, from Fortuna, the Shifting Seas slowly morph into a terrain befitting the other central plane, the seas turn to lava, or the seas freeze, leaving the ship stuck in ice.   The three outer planes are located beyond Shifting Seas, and protected by [Rift Shades]. When traversing here from Fortuna, the Shifting Sea slowly thins out, making way for a Sea of Stars. [Rift Shades] attack everyone who attempts this journey without the proper precautions.   The most known of the outer planes is the plane of Shadows. This is where souls go after they die, and is ruled by the god of Darkness, Beauty and Death. It is filled with an endless desert known as the sands of time, and souls are left to wander the sands, forever seeing visions of their past memories like distant mirages in the desert. Those who lived a good, fulfilling life, reserved themselves a pleasant afterlife, whereas those who have a dark and regretful past have an eternity to come to regret their past actions. Followers of the God of Death see this re-living of their lives as their reward, an eternal bliss if their life was lived the right way. Life only has meaning if it is finite, lived with unique lived experiences. This home is also home to Shadow devils whom collect these memories and experiences and trade them like they would souls in other settings. They use coins to trade memories and experiences, and these can be used in the Central Plane to summon an echo or shadow of their past self [no true undead, only echos, noone escapes death]. There is a hierarchy between them, and they have slowly grown in power, with their leader attempting to overthrow Thanatos, the god of death himself, and, disturbing the order, allowing souls to return to the Central Plane causing true undeath, a concept thought impossible by scholars since the beginning of recorded time.   Beside the Plane of Shadows, the outer planes are also home to the Plane of Primal Nature, domain of the god of Nature, Life and the Wilds. This is a less whimsical alternative to the Feywild, focusing more on its raw, wilder side.   Finally, the outer planes are also home to the Plane of Crystallus, domain of the god of Magic, Time and Knowledge. It is said that this god is a collector, and stores an infinitude of treasures from all time in this plane, encased in dense amethyst-like crystals. It is well-protected, but those who travel there may discover long-lost artifacts or entirely new spells. It is unclear whether the treasures were put here by it's deity, taken from various times or whether they were grown here from inside the crystals to be disseminated throughout time. No matter the method, this plane is the origin of all magic, and travelling here can be an incredibly overwhelming experience for magic-users.   In-between the three major outer planes are at least three demi-planes. In-between the Plane of Crystallus and the Plane of Shadows and Death is the demi-plane home of the Ethereal Vanguard, who endeavor to keep the planes separated as much as possible, and stop major incursions from one plane to another.   In-between the Plane of Primal Nature and the plane of Shadows and Death is the demi-plane of Valkyros, home to the Valkyries [angels] whom guide the souls of the dead to the hereafter.   And in-between the Plane of Crystallus and the Plane of Primal Nature is the demi-plane of Plasmosis, home of the mysterious Plasmoids. They have a primal aspect, yet do not adhere to time entirely. They are entirely alien in nature, their motives unknown. Some have theorized they may help ensure the proper flow of time, and stop anyone messing with the proper order of events.     Notable is that each of the deities can choose champions to empower with their essence, but they do not have angels. This setting does not have angels, only valkyries [both male and female] whose primary goal is ferrying the dead to the Plane of Shadows.   There are three types of elves outside the Central Plane. Primal Elves [Eladrin] were Wood [Verdant] Elves who ascended to the plane of Primal Nature. Astral Elves were High Elves who now inhabit the plane of Crystallus and serve the god of magic in safeguarding this plane's treasures, and tending to the crystals. And finally, Shadow Elves [Shadar-Kai] are fallen Astral Elves whom grew tired of their duties in the plane of Crystallus and instead travelled to the Plane of Shadows. There, they explore the Sands of Time, collecting memories and selling them to Shadow Demons.   There are also three types of tieflings. There are Fire Tieflings, descended from Fire Devils in the plane of Ignis, whom embody passion in its worst aspect, engaging in torture and delighting in torment. Then there are Shadow Tieflings, which are descendants of Shadow Devils whom live in the Plane of Shadows and Death and whom deal in the memories and experiences of the dead. And finally there are Ice Tieflings, who are descendants of Ice Devils whom were touched by the plane of Ice and embody the Law. Ice Devils are occasionally summoned to ensure contracts are followed through, ensuring that if one party does not live up to a contract, the incredibly clever Ice Devil will see to it that they pay for their transgressions.   The three central planes are home to three types of creatures. The Plane of Fire is home to Fire Devils, the Plane of Lighting is home to Djinni, and the Plane of Ice is home to Frost Giants. Each of these planes is also home to elementals of each type, and to humanoids who were touched by the planes, including fire-touched humanoids [fire genasi] and rune dwarves, also known as the devils' smiths. There are also lightning-touched humanoids [air genas] which includes the descendants of Djinni, and the ice-touched Golaiths, descendants of the Forst Giants.   There are also a large variety of monsters found on each plane, which can be created using creature modifications; flame-touched, shadow-touched, primal-touched, crystal-touched, ice-touched, lightning-touched.   Aside from all this, there are six great dragons within the Central Plane, one representing each realm; lightning, ice, fire, primal, undead and crystaloid. Each great dragon was once one the head of a great tiamat-like dragon, but it grew too powerful and Aetheros, the god of magic, split it into the six great wyrms, which each birthed their own offspring. If six eggs of each dragon are brought together, a ritual may be commenced to create a new universal dragon, which could grow into the most powerful being in all the realms.   Each of these dragons also has an associated type of dragonborn, which does not line up with the tranditional dragonborn types. There are traditional Red/Copper/Gold fire-dragonborn, Blue/Bronze lighting-dragonborn, and White/Gray/Silver cold-dragonborn, but Green acid-dragonborn are associated with the Primal Dragon, Black necrotic-dragonborn are associated with the Death Dragon [Wyrmwraith], and Purple/Pink/Amethyst force-dragonborn are associated with the Crystal Amethyst dragon.


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