Celestial Plane

The celestial plane is the home of celestial beings, including deities, angels, and sometimes aasimar, as well as a number of less powerful beings to whom the celestial plane is home. The celestial plane is very different in structure from the material plane, and is one of the furthest planes from the material plane, often only accessible in trance states where only a person’s consciousness travels to the celestial plane, rather than their physical body. The celestial plane is made of a number of pockets, inside of which are contained the realms of the deities that they house. These pockets generally have two doors, one opening to access the rest of the celestial plane and one opening to the material plane and/or its sister planes, the feywild and the shadowfell. Within these pockets, the deity which inhabits them has full control and awareness over their enire realm, the size of which is drawn from the number of followers that the deity has. Angels primarily assist their deity in upkeep of this realm, though also will occassionally visit the other realms in the name of their deity as well.
Plane of Existence


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