
Demi-Celestials, also known as aasimar, are the product of a union between a celestial being and a mortal. Aasimar may sometimes become full celestials in the form of angels for their celestial parent/patron.

Basic Information


The physical appearance of any given demi-celestial is dependent on their divine lineage. An aasimar born of Ashla may have gold or silver hair, skin with an otherworldly glow, and blue or golden eyes, with the wings that sometimes manifest appearing as three pairs of feathery wings. An aasimar of Aleyara may have draconic features, possibly easily mistaken for a dragonborn if not for the large golden dragon wings they would be able to occasionally display. An aasimar of Myllavalla, however, may have raven wings, orange eyes, and a set of horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar can be born a few different ways. The majority of aasimar are born from a union between a mortal and a celestial creature, and while this creature can be a god - forming what are known as 'protector aasimar', with a radiant soul celestial revelation - it is also possible for minor celestials (angels) to have aasimar of their own, these aasimar being scourge aasimar, with radiant consumption as their celestial revelation. Aasimar can also be formed through a blessing placed on them when they are young by a celestial. These aasimar, known as "chosen aasimar" (as opposed to "blood aasimar") transform to have traits resembling the god who blessed them. These demi-celestials are often called upon once having reached adulthood, either into service for their god, or even sometimes to become an angel for their god, this being how new angels are made. Demi-celestials can also choose to reject this service, and reject their divine heritage, or can sometimes be corrupted, to become fallen aasimar, with the necrotic shroud celestial revelation, as they smother the divine aspect of their soul and their physical form transforms to appear more gaunt and near-death.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar naturally live around 120-150 years, maturing around the age of 20. However, many aasimar either die in service to their god before reaching this age, or become angels and biologically immortal at some point in their lifespan, halting their aging process.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their divine heritage and the celestial blood that flows through their veins, aasimar are able to see in darker conditions. They also are able to form light through magical means, the colour of this light often depending on the specific celestial the aasimar was born of. Demi-celestials also have a celestial revelation, a form that they can take in which they appear more angellic, and have certain effects surrounding them. Lastly, they are able to innately heal some injury, and their celestial heritage protects them from damage types affiliated with their celestial origins.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Blood aasimar, and many chosen aasimar, tend to stick to the naming traditions of the culture they were born into, on their mortal side. However, sometimes their celestial parent or patron will name them instead, giving them an angelic name. Some examples of these names are: Zuriel, Zophiel, Sabaoth, Raphael, Arael, Eremiel, Onriel, Sera, Suriel, Cassiel, or Ithuriel. These names tend to be gender-neutral.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
120-150 yrs
Average Height
6-7 ft
Geographic Distribution


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