
Dhampirs are the result of some sort of mix between a vampire and a mortal race, excluding elves. These can include those who began to be converted to a vampire but never completed the process, those who have made a pact with Maris but have not yet received the full benefits, the biological offspring of a vampire and a mortal, a being of higher power that has been cursed (by Maris or otherwise), or those created by other means. Regardless, the existence of a Dhampir is not a pretty one. They have a similar hunger to their vampire brethren, whether this be for blood, flesh, life, or some other kind of energy with a living or sapient source, and due to this, are often shunned by those aware of their true nature.

Basic Information


The physical appearance of a Dhampir depends on that of the species that they were originally, or the species other than vampires that they are descended from.

Growth Rate & Stages

For the majority of races, transformation into a Dhampir increases lifespan, usually by around 20%. The exception to this is elves, whose nature is incompatible with the demonic origins of vampires, and for whom conversion into a Dhampir means putting a cap onto their biological immortality, along with a few other side effects.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dhampirs possess superior vision in darkness, allowing them to see in dark or dim conditions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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