
Hexbloods are less their own species, and more a transformation that any species on the material plane can go through. As such, features such as height are incredibly variable across hexbloods. A hexblood is the step between another species and a hag, and are created for a number of reasons. Hexbloods are always created by hags, and the most common reason for doing so is the replacement of a lost coven member. Alternatively, hexbloods can become such through deals with hags, or if a hag has any other reason to turn someone into a hexblood.

Basic Information


Hexbloods generally retain the shape & size of the race they were originally. However, their skin is changed to different colours, ranging from purples to greens to oranges, depending on the type of hag that turned them into a hexblood. They lose their irises, and their eyes often change colour, with the sclera turning black. They also develop crown-like formations circling their heads, often appearing as antlers, though sometimes as regular horns. Often, hexbloods also have marks or patterns on their skin, which can be indicative of a number of things.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hexbloods are not able to be created via sexual reproduction, and if a hexblood were to have a child, the genes they would pass on would be the genes of the race they were before becoming a hexblood. Instead, hexbloods are created by hags.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hexbloods have an extended lifespan, reaching maturity whenever their original race would do so, but living an average of 100 years longer than their race's original lifespan. Elves, however, suffer a detriment from being transformed into hexbloods, with their lifespan becoming capped at around 1,000 years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hexbloods, through the process of their transformation, gain limited access to some hag magic, gaining the ability to cast Hex and Disguise Self. In addition, hexbloods have the ability to create what are known as "eerie tokens", parts of the hexbloods body such as a hair or a fingernail, which can be used for various magical purposes.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
200-1,000 yrs, depending on original race
Average Height


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