
Kalastar are descendants of an order of followers of Myldala, who recieved a blessing from their goddess long ago and have passed along this gift for generations.

Basic Information


The physical appearance of kalashtar vary greatly depending on what original kalashtar they are descended from. The most common kalashtar ancestor was a pallid elf, so many kalashtar have pale white skin and white or near-white hair. However, some have the stark purple hair and darker skin of Kalashta herself, while others have the dark grey skin and jet black hair and eyes of another kalashtar ancestor. More still have the heterochromic eyes, fair skin, and black hair of the fourth most common kalashtar ancestor. There are a few physical qualities that all kalashtar share, however. Firstly, all kalashtar have an additional eye located somewhere on their body, most commonly on a hand or the back of the neck. They cannot see with these eyes like their ancestors could, as this feature has become solely vestigial. These eyes glow whenever a kalastar uses their telepathic abilities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kalashtar have a magically extended lifespan, with an average life of 200 years. They reach maturity at the age of 20.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The kalashtar have a number of abilities granted to them by the original gift of Myldala. These abilities include increased mental fortitude, as well as limited telepathic abilities. More specifically, all kalashtar are disconnected from dreams, unable to be affected by any dream-related magic. In addition, kalashtar have an innate resistance to magic that targets the mind.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kalashtar first names are given at birth by their parents, some examples being Khen, Lirent, or Hatash for men, or Veyaashi, Cenari, or Delvakri for women. Their surnames are the names of their original kalashtar ancestor, listed below.


The original Kalashtar were mortals on the material plane who received the blessing of Myldala, around the end of the God War. The name "Kalashtar" is derived from the name of the sect of Children of the Weave that the original kalashtar were from, known as the Church of Kalashta, Kalashta being the head priestess of the sect. Modern kalashtar are descendents of the original kalashtar, and are almost entirely separated from Myldala. However, they still retain some of the gifts granted to their ancestors.

Original Kalashtar Ancestors

Listed in order of commonality of descent
  • Baynara: Pale white skin, white/near-white hair, elven ears
  • Zevod: Dark grey skin, jet black hair and eyes, human ears
  • Kalashta: Purple hair, darker brown skin, human ears
  • Lonari: Heterochromia, fair skin, black hair, half-elf ears
  • Caztash: Orange hair, tanned skin, half-elf ears
  • Khelrainh: Blonde hair, fair skin, green eyes, half-elf ears
  • Kenia: Short (4-5ft.), tanned skin, brown hair, dwarf ears
  • Lifespan
    200 yrs
    Average Height
    Varies, typically 5-6 ft.

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