
Tabaxi are a species of feline humanoids generally inhabiting forests around the material plane. They can resemble a variety of different felines, including (but not limited to) cats, lions, tigers, lynxes, panthers, and more. Tabaxi range from 3-4 feet tall to 7-8 feet tall, depending on region: The tabaxi of the north, in Vehasi, northern Prospera, or Ansara, tend to be shorter, while the tabaxi in the south, in Valadia, southern Prospera, southern Vehasi, and Kaurenis, tend to be much taller. Tabaxi live in clans in the forests of the material plane, though not all tabaxi stay in their clans or even forests for their entire lives. The tabaxi that do live in clans tend to be very fierce about their land and territory, as the culture of the tabaxi is very much aligned towards hunting and gathering, and having larger territory allows for more food. The origin of the tabaxi are entirely unknown, some believing that they evolved from felines, and others believing they were somehow created magically. What most people can agree on, however, is that tabaxi have been around for a very long time.

Basic Information


Tabaxi anatomy is somewhat similar to that of a feline, with a few exceptions. Tabaxi stand upright, and have hands a bit more humanoid, though with only four fingers on each hand. They are adapted to live among the trees, most tabaxi villages being located in treetops. As such, they have long tails for balance and sometimes grip, with claws designed for being able to climb, and more wiry frames to move with agility through the forests.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tabaxi live approximately 70-80 years, reaching maturity at around 15.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most tabaxi live in a clan system, with specific roles for various members of the community. Most tabaxi are just normal citizens, concerned primarily with hunting or gathering for food, raising children, or building and crafting tools, shelter, or even forms of art. However, certain positions of power or respect also exist within these clans. Every clan has two tabaxi devoted to the study of medicine, often learning druidic medicines and magic to maintain the well-being of their clan. There is always one elder druid and one apprentice druid within a clan. In addition, there is a clan leader, known as a stargiven, who is responsible for defense of the clan, political meetings with other clan leaders, representation of the clan to outsiders, and giving of names to tabaxi who have come of age. This stargiven is responsible for choosing their successor, known as a starborn, who assists the stargiven in their duties and inherits the title of stargiven when the original stargiven is no longer able to fulfill their duties. Neither starborn nor stargiven are allowed to have children, and having children disqualifies one from being chosen as starborn by the stargiven.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tabaxi, accustomed to highly forested areas where the trees block out the sun, have the ability to see well in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tabaxi receive two names in their lifetimes. The first of their names are chosen by their parents, and are names like Briar, Jay, Smoky, Thorn, Honey - generally, these names are things related to nature. Once they reach maturity, they have a coming of age ceremony in which the stargiven of their clan gives them a suffix to add to their original names, such as -moon, -claw, -scar, -tooth, -berry, or -blaze. These two names come together to form names like Bramblethorn, Shadowstripe, Silversong, Mistyclaw, or Ravenfang. However, there are a few exceptions to this. Druids choose an apprentice who expresses an interest in the craft of medicine before their coming of age ceremony, and when the soon-to-be apprentice druid comes of age, the second part of their name becomes -leaf. Stargiven also choose a starborn who has not yet had their coming of age ceremony, and starborn do not recieve a suffix. However, when a starborn becomes a stargiven, their suffix then becomes -star.

Beauty Ideals

Standards of beauty vary across tabaxi communities; some communities value various colours of fur, facial structures, or other aspects. It is preferable and often expected for tabaxi to be incredibly agile and spry. As for fashion, tabaxi often wear baggier clothing that allows for swifter and more dextrous movement, often doubling as cooling in warmer climates or to provide room for additional coverings for warmth in colder climates. Hoods are very popular recently in tabaxi communities, with various shapes and patterns to make fashion statements. Sometimes, though not always, these hoods are accompanied by cloaks or capes. Tabaxi do not tend to wear shoes, instead preferring foot wraps if necessary/in colder climates. Tabaxi enjoy making wooden jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, and anklets - often, they will wear intricately carved wooden pieces attached to twine, or sometimes will string wooden beads onto twine to make their jewellery.
70-80 yrs
Average Height
3-8 ft; Varies by region
Geographic Distribution


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