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Sailer's Bane

  Emotional Feed - Fear The dread and fear of the sailors they lead astray has long sustained these Sirens throughout the ages. Sailors Bane feeds off of the Frightened condition.   Speed - Sailer's Bane gains a 40ft Swim Speed.   Communion Ability: Foreboding Ballad - All selected allies deal an additional 1d6 of thunder damage with their weapon attacks while the Communion is active.  


Emotional Feed - Elation The joy and elation of both friend and foe alike bring a sense of fulfillment to this Siren. The Harpy feeds off of the Charmed condition.   Speed - Harpy's Possess wings that allow them to slowly glide, when they fall. They have a gliding distance of twice their base speed. They possess a climb speed of 30ft.   Communion Ability: Rabadon - All selected allies gain a +20ft to their movement speed while the Communion is active.  


Emotional Feed - Sorrow The weight of sorrow and helplessness felt by cornered prey is one easily exploitable to this Siren. The Medusa feeds off of the Restrained condition.   Speed - Medusa have an affinity for stone, they have a burrow speed of 10ft.   Communion Ability: Lamentation - All selected allies gain a +1 to AC while the Communion is active.     Sirens are at home along the waters of Bloodway Bay. They settle on rocky coasts and remote islands, and even on floating piles of kelp. Sirens are mercurial creatures who can turn in an instant from lonely to repulsed, from desirous to hateful, from welcoming to irritated, from loving to murderous—and then back again. They are fascinated with ships, and enjoy toying with them. One siren might call out to a passing crew for company, only to capriciously draw the ship into an entangling mass of kelp. Another might lure a vessel onto jagged rocks so as to study the wreckage and learn more about the strange contraption. But as the number of ships passing through siren-controlled waters has increased over the years, a growing number of sirens have decided to satisfy their curiosity by taking positions on ship crews—including, in at least one case, the position of captain

Basic Information


Sirens stand about 5 to 6 feet tall, but their bodies are slender and their bones partially hollow
Ability Scores: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1   Speed: 30ft.   Languages – You can speak, read, and write Common and one other Language    Darkvision – You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.   The Voice – All Sirens can sing, indeed it is their method of feeding and a great tool to their survival. As such, all Sirens have proficiency in the performance skill.   The Feeding – Sirens feed on the powerful emotions of those around them, with each sub-type of Siren preferring to gain sustenance from a particular emotion, and usually maneuver or manipulate their prey in order to achieve the optimal conditions.
As a bonus action, a Siren can begin to sing through The Voice in order to draw sustenance out from a target creature they can see afflicted with their preferred status condition (see each sub-race for their chosen status effect), gaining 10 Temporary Hit Points as a result.
Once you have used this ability, you must complete a Long Rest before you can use it again.
This method of feeding counts as enough sustenance to last a Siren a full week, though they still require water as normal.     Communion - Upon completion of a short or long rest, you can choose a number of allies up to your proficiency modifier to commune with, granting them a boon for combat. This boon is lost upon the target completing another short or long rest.   As an action, you can call out and activate the effects of the communion on any effected ally within 60ft that can hear you. This benefit lasts for 1 minute.


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