
The Fremen are the native population of Arrakis. Very few details are known about them. For the most part Imperial and Landsraad agents treat the fremen as a nuissence nothing more.  


Despite their keen sense of oral history, the history of the Fremen prior to their arrival on Arrakis was distorted and partially lost over the millennia. They concluded that Arrakis was the final stop on the migration of the Zensunni Wanderers, a journey that they mistakenly believed started on the planet Poritrin.  


To the Fremen, the fight for survival has long dominated their cultural identity. The brutal environment of Arrakis necessitated the frugal use of energy and resources, especially water.   The Fremen typically live in patriarchal collectives, known as sietches, which were led by a Naib. Each sietch resides within one of the numerous rocky formations that dot the sands of Arrakis.   Water plays a vital role in the Fremen culture. Indeed, for Fremen, water is life. To conserve against the unnecessary loss of water in the desert, Fremen wear complex full-body filtration systems called stillsuits, which reclaimed the body's moisture. Additionally, specialized headgear prevented most of the normal loss through the scalp and forehead via perspiration, while masks and noseplugs reclaim moisture from the wearers' breathing. Gloves are also available, too, but many Fremen opt instead to rub the juice of the creosote bush on their hands to inhibit perspiration. With a Fremen stillsuit in proper working order, the wearermay loose only about a thimbleful of water per day.  

Physical Appearance

Due to living on Arrakis, the typical Fremen appears as a sinewy human with leathery dark skin. These effects are less pronounced on those Fremen who live in cities such as Arrakeen. In addition, Fremen eyes were colored entirely blue, due to their excessive ingestion of the Spice Melange.  


Religiously, the Fremen are deeply spiritual, to the point of being superstitious. Over the centuries they have adapted their blend of Zensunni faith to their desert environment.  


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