Ginaz School

Swordmasters of Ginaz

The Ginaz school was renowned throughout the Imperium for its Swordmasters. Many Great Houses send a gifted soldier to be trained at this school. It is said that to reach the Ginaz School Tenth Level was to be a superior warrior in every way, even more adept than Imperial Sardaukar.   Anyone who graduated from the Ginaz School was awarded the title Swordmaster of the Ginaz. Swordmasters were more than mere soldiers and often functioned as chief tacticians, military advisors, and even tutors to the Houses whom they served.   The Swordmasters had their roots in an ancient warrior-culture from Planet Ginaz who had fought as mercenaries in the Butlerian Jihad, were governed by a council of veterans and followed their own religion, the Ginaz-beliefs.  


According to custom, each fallen Ginaz warrior is reincarnated to the body of a new warrior. Whenever warriors graduated, they were required in a ceremony to draw a coral disk with a name inscribed, guided by the fate, who directed their hand according to the spirit inhabited in them.   Each fallen swordmaster had thier record kept in a database, buried in vaults.   Tyko York is a Ginaz Swordmaster loyal to House Cul'thir.  


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