House Manresa

Known for producing the first Vicroy of the original league of Nobles this family has existed sense before the Butlerian Jihad. They were one of the first of the Great Houses to join the Landsraad. Though they have enjoyed a long history with the Empire, thier fortunes have wained some over the years. They still maintain significant power though.   From their castle on Komider they oversee the harvesting of Lectrum, an excretion from the Voth Lizard native to the planet. Lectrum is used in many medical applications including as a salve for radiation poisoning, as well as some other industral aplications, such as a barier against high radiation, and to date cannot be artificially replicated. The planet orbits a blue giant sun that puts out strange radiation, which causes the Voth to produce this lectrum.   The radiation also have a strange effect on the people who are born on Komider; over several generations they develop red colored skin, and golden eyes which protects them from the radiation of the star.   The house is ruled by a Doge. The current ruler is Doge Vito Manresa VII  


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