House Ordos

House Ordos is a mercantile Great House whose home is an ice-covered planet, Sigma Draconis 4, in the Sigma Draconis star system. House Ordos is most famous for its smuggling, and for the wealth that makes them paranoid, but powerful.   The Ordos perhaps have their ancient Earth origins in China, since their family name is the same as that of the Ordos Desert.   The economy of their planet is based entirely on trade and smuggling. They are insidious and had a tendency towards sabotage, expensive weaponry, and illegal technologies.   Ordos are a cartel of wealthy noblemen who seem to control the finances of House Ordos, and thus, House Ordos itself. The leader of the house is traditionaly called the Hegemon. The current ruler is Hegemon Lu Ordos.   History House Ordos represented one of the most greedy and selfish Great Houses in the Imperium; their only goal is to generate revenue to sustain the pluto/technocratic elite of the House, who, to this end, have fine tuned the House to an inhumanly specific degree.   House Ordos are driven in all they endeavor to do by a calculated and single-minded mandate to destroy anything that stands between them and any source of wealth. They gained immense wealth that bought them incredibly powerful forbidden technologies and weapons. Aside from wealth, there is little military strength to House Ordos, relying mostly to mercenaries (who tended to desert with great frequency).  

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