
The Sardaukar are the elite military force of the Padishah Emperor. They are renowned and feared throughout the Known Universe for their fanatic zeal, superior fighting abilities, and sheer ruthlessness.  

Upbringing and Training

Members of the Sardaukar are raised from a young age in a ferocious natural environment that saw almost half (6 out of every 13) die before the age of 11. Intense training gives them formidable swordsmanship and espionage abilities, and instills in them a religious fervor that adds to their mystique and serves to make them even more loyal to the imperial house.   The fighting abilities of the Sardaukar are renowned throughout the Imperium. it is said that their swordsmanship is comparable to that of Ginaz Tenth Level, and their cunning abilities at in-fighting are said to match that of a Bene Gesserit adept.  

Appearance and Fighting Style

Sardaukar troops typically wear uniforms and helmets of grey and black with gold trimming.They wear their hair long, which is taken as a sign of arrogance by those who beheld them. They have a distinct combat style, which allows them to be recognised easily.   When in close-quarter, hand-to-hand combat, if they find themselves surrounded they will group into threes and adopt a fighting stance with their backs to each other. They carry weapons on their person that are ingeniously concealed, such as shigawire in their hair or a fake toe or two inserted with small stabbing weapons. Sardaukar are also experts at covert operations, managing to conceal themselves among groups for extended periods of time before striking.   The current leader of the Sardukar is Grand Bashar Harmon Verrek.  


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