Shogun Buka Cul'thir

Shogun Buka Cul'thir

The current ruler of House Cul'thir , the Shogun has lead his house for 70 years, coming to power early in life after the unfortunate death of his mother in an ornithopter accident. Buka married Aya Fenring, a cousin of the current Count Shadrach Fenring . He has four children, the current heir Kazuka Yami Cul'thir , his eldest son Bishen Gen Cul'thir who leads the families holdings on Arrakis, Pel Pyu Cul'thir his second son who has married the heir of House Guldul to solidify relations between the houses, and his youngest son, An Ulka Cul'thir who currently is on Arrakis working with oldest brother.

Personality Characteristics


While the Shogun is well aware of the value of Spice, he understands that the contract his house has to mine it is not a perminant situation. He has continued to grow the house's export of poison and aquaculture equipment to prepare for the time when his house no longer can mine spice.   While he does not desire power, the Shogun does see the value that power brings him in the universe which allows him to protect his people, and his family. The Shogun values his family quite a bit, as that is the way of the Cul'thir. The Shogun sees all of the people under his control to be his family, but he would die to protect his children. The Shogun has had to sacrifice time with his children to better rule his house. While he is close with his first born due to her position as heir, he is not as close as he would like with his three sons.   The Shogun's people for the most part love and respect him for how he rules the fief. As is of course normal, there are those that chaif under the rule of the Shogun. A number of the houses of the Landsraad do fear the Shogun and the influence he has gained since being allowed mining rights on Arrakis.
Current Status
Current Shogun of House Cul'thir
Black and sharp
Iron grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skinned
1.75 m
Orange Catholic Bible
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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