The Spacing Guild

The Spacing Guild, also known as the Guild of Navigators, or more simply the Guild, is an organization which holds exclusive access to faster than light space travel.   After the Bene Gesserit, the Spacing Guild is the second mental-physical training school established following the Butlerian Jihad. The genesis of the Guild's eventual monopoly on space travel, transport and interstellar banking is taken as the beginning point of the Imperial Calendar. Details of the Guild's emergence are contentious, although it is believed they emerged as a serious political and economic force around the time of The Great Convention.   While the exact evolution of the Guild's monopoly on faster-than-light space travel is shrowded in mystery, they do nonetheless wield this formidable power by enforcing the Guild Peace.   Guildsman Oblec Arsaad acts as the Guild's representative for House Cul'thir on Arrakis.  


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