Ullya Hino

Ullya Hino is the Head of Spice operations for House Cul'thir in Tsimpo on Arrakis. The Hino family has long been a loyal family to House Cul'thir, and so Ullya was a logical choice to manage the spice operations. Ullya oversees the day to day operations of spice mining, hireing spice miners, dune men, spotters and carryall pilots. He is responsable for making sure the miners meet the quotas required by House Kemic under the contract. Ullya reports directly to Bishen Gen Cul'thir, governer of Tsimpo.   Ullya is a trained mentat who excells at accounts and management. He is mater of fact in his dealings with his subordinants, and deferential with his superiors. He has a reputation for honesty and accountability. His shrewd no nonsence dealings keep him a valued member of the Cul'thir house.


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