Autome 20th, 22221

72 Hour Day

To calculate other land movements, take a base movement and divide by 2.
This number will be your fast movement speed in 4hrs.
Multiply it by .8 to calculate the normal rate. For slow movement rate, multiplies it by .6.
Dungar is in a solar system that has binary stars. One byproduct of this union is that Dungar experiences 72-hour days. Flor some reason, Dungar's north pole is always tipping towards the sun. This means that there are areas in the north that night never comes and places in the south that barely sees the light of one of the suns.   For Draqua , the day starts in the morning hours. The morning hours fade as the suns move into positions for the day, and the temperature will begin to soar. Most of this terrain is Tropical Forests, deserts, and deadlands. The suns take many hours to reach their apex of the day and the Burning hours begin. At this point in the day, the heat is unbearable for most creatures to do much but rest. The Burning hours wane as the pair start their long descent into the horizon. Before the night embraces the land, you get the twilight hours. The morning and twilight hours are distinctive because only the secondary sun is in the sky at these times.


Distance Traveled Per ...
Pace Minute Hour 4hr Effect
Fast 400' 4 miles 15 miles -5 penalty to passive Wisdom
Normal 300' 3 miles 12 miles
Slow 200' 2 miles 9 miles Able to use stealth

Due to the unique time of the planet, overland movement is figured out by breaking it down into smaller blocks of time. For each 4-hour block of time, called a watch.
During a typical day, you can travel for 16 hours during the Rise and again during the Fall. That would be a combined 8 watches so you would travel 96 miles. Now some vehicles and animals can travel during the burning hours without penalty, allowing for an additional 2 watches.


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